
大立光去年EPS71.6元 財報優於預期 2014年1月29日

大立光第四季受惠iPhone 5S/5C進入出貨旺季,營收季成長29.7%,年增8.4%,在良率提升、新台幣匯率有利下,毛利率上揚至48.27%,營收、獲利雙雙寫下歷史新高,不過,市場反應卻相當平淡,上週五(1/24)股價表現疲弱不振,開高走低,更是連續二日跌破月線。

亞光集團 緬甸投資


中國大陸優勢漸失 亞光集團趕上緬甸投資熱

鉅亨網記者張欽發 台北  2014-01-27 10:10:25




Lenovo buying Motorola's handset business from Google for nearly $3 billion


According to several sources Lenovo is nearing a rather stunning deal that would put Motorola's cellphone business in its back pocket for roughly $3 billion. Google snatched up Motorola in 2011 for $12.5 billion. Since then it's slowly broken the company up, scaled back its device lineup and added its massive pile of patents to its legal arsenal. Now, after losing money for several years straight, Mountain View is reportedly preparing to offload the division on Chinese computer giant Lenovo. The purchase of Motorola will probably also put to bed rumors of Lenovo purchasing BlackBerry... at least for a little while. The company has been looking to step up its mobile efforts for the last couple of years, and Motorola's existing infrastructure, patent library and brand recognition should help it make a dent here in the US.
The deal hasn't been officially announced yet, but when (and if) it is There are bound to be plenty of questions. For one, how will the sale of Motorola to a Chinese firm affect the company's recent efforts to bring manufacturing jobs back to the US? And how will this impact Google's own expanding manufacturing plans in the future? Or course, we may have also just figured out how exactly Google convinced Samsung to start putting more focus on Play Services.
Update: Well, that was quick. Google has confirmed the deal, which will see Motorola Mobility change hands for $2.91 billion. Most of that money will be in the form of cash or a promissory note, but it will also include roughly $750 million worth of Lenovo shares. The deal will also cause more than a few cynics to shout, "I told you so," as Google will be maintaining ownership of "the vast majority" of Motorola's patents. Though, the deal does include a license for that intellectual property and Lenovo will take ownership of Moto's brand and trademarks.
Google also insists that this will not affect its other hardware efforts, including those that might involve wearables and smart home appliances. Though, the tone of the message seems to indicate that Google will be staying out of the mobile phone market for the foreseeable future. An internal memo said that Motorola would be "better served" by Lenovo in the "super competitive" smartphone market. The advanced research unit of the company will be staying in Google's possession, however, to help with those other hardware projects.
For Lenovo, the deal means that it is now not only the largest PC maker, but it will also soon be the third-largest handset manufacturer in the Americas (not to mention the second-largest cellphone company in China as Lenovo). Motorola's existing agreements with retailers and carriers instantly gives the Chinese manufacturer a broad reach into mobile markets all over the globe. The company also expressed confidence in Moto's existing team, and in the short term, it does not appear there are plans to close its Chicago headquarters or start laying off employees, including the executives. Though, things sound less rosy for employees at the Texas plant where the Moto X is manufactured. The company said only that it would do what made sense to grow the brand, and would not commit to keeping existing manufacturing jobs in the US. The current plan appears to be to maintain the Motorola brand where it enjoys recognition and success.

聯想 883億併購摩托羅拉移動

中國科技大廠聯想(lenovo)宣布以29.1億美元(約新台幣882.92億元)收購Google旗下手機製造事業摩托羅拉移動(Motorola Mobility)及其部分專利。Google也在官方網站中透露,將轉售超過2000項技術專利給聯想,但也傳出Google仍將保留多數技術專利持有權。




古法炊甜粿 龍眼木慢火蒸11小時

古法炊甜粿 龍眼木慢火蒸11小時











Intel is delaying opening its 14-nm Fab 42 in Chandler, Arizona

1/16/2014 11:58 AM EST  EETimes
NEW YORK — Intel is delaying opening its 14-nm Fab 42 in Chandler, Arizona, as demand for PC microprocessors continues to decline. As reported by Reuters, the facility was initially intended to produce Intel’s most advanced processors beginning at the end of last year. Instead, the plant will remain closed indefinitely and other plants at the same site are to be upgraded. The move is more market-driven than indicative of any issues with Intel’s processor technology or manufacturing, said Charles King, president and principal analyst at Pund-IT told EE Times. “The company said it will be retrofitting three other plants with new technology rather than opening a fourth,” he said. “They are probably seeing a lower demand in some of their product areas than they have anticipated when they planned the facility." Considering the pressure that traditional PCs and laptop markets have been under along with Intel move into smartphones, the decision makes sense, said King. Intel could not possibly go ahead with a facility that produces processors for which there is no demand. “If the orders aren’t coming in it would be ludicrous for Intel to increase manufacturing,” King said. "It is a significant move because it’s a fairly large facility." Rob Lineback, senior market research analyst at IC Insights, told EE Times. "It is a push-out or push-back of using that facility. Keep in mind that facility was earmarked for the next generation wafer size transition from 300 to 450. That move is delayed by the industry, even though Intel and others are trying to make it more feasible.” Lineback continued, “They decided they don’t need the extra capacity for microprocessors. We’re all kind of in agreement that it was the worst year for PC shipments since the 80s as far as percentage decline." Today's Intel fourth quarter earnings call will be interesting, said Lineback.
Everyone in the industry is waiting to see what their capital expenditures will be for 2014, which will be discussed today, whether they keep the level at above ten billion dollars or not. Only Samsung is investing more money in wafer fabs than Intel. Intel has been the largest capital works spender in the industry since the 90s, until Samsung passed them in recent years, pushing hard on several fronts. Whether this is a real pull back, a real slow down for Intel, we’ll find out more this afternoon.
— Zewde Yeraswork, Associate Editor, EE Times

Intel to (restructure)(Cut) ~5% of Workforce


Intel to Cut 5% of Workforce

1/17/2014 05:10 PM EST
NEW YORK — Intel plans to cut back its global workforce of 107,000 employees by approximately 5% this year as the world's leading semiconductor manufacturing company shifts its priorities.
The announcement comes one day after Intel announced its fourth quarter earnings in a conference call that featured CEO Brian Krzanich acknowledging that the company had overestimated PC chip demand three years ago when it began planning the construction of Fab 42, the opening of which it cancelled earlier this week.
Intel spokesman Chris Kraeute confirmed the figure for EE Times but could not give further details. Instead, he referred to "critical decisions to align our resources to meet the need of our business," adding, "We regularly make sure that our human resources are matched up with our business need. And right now we are re-prioritizing certain activities and these can lead to movement in our workforce."
As for when and how this decision is to be carried out, Kraeute said he could not be more specific than to say that Intel expects to exit the year 2014 with five percent fewer workers than it currently has, and that this would occur over the course of the year. "As a business we are responding to evolving market trends, so we want to match up to that," Kraeute said.
Reuters initially broke the story citing Kraeute on Friday.
Intel said in an email late on Friday that "When we talk about reduction of the workforce there are a number of things that can happen. It could include redeployments, voluntary programs, retirements, and through attrition. All are options so it would be wrong to conclude this is a layoff. Our usual rate of attrition is close to 4 percent worldwide." — Zewde Yeraswork, Associate Editor, EE Times

Re: which workers Susan Rambo   1/21/2014 2:17:02 PM
Intel came back to EE Times after close on Friday and said: "When we talk about reduction of the workforce there are a number of things that can happen. It could include redeployments, voluntary programs, retirements, and through attrition. All are options so it would be wrong to conclude this is a layoff. Our usual rate of attrition is close to 4 percent worldwide."

Texas Instruments sees higher fourth-quarter profits and revenue, cuts 1,100 jobs 德儀第四季營收優於預期,惟計劃裁員1100人

22/01/2014 08:49

  《經濟通通訊社22日專訊》德州儀器(Texas Instruments)公布,第

Texas Instruments sees higher fourth-quarter profits and revenue, cuts 1,100 jobs

Texas Instruments Inc. said today that it nearly doubled its profits and posted slightly higher revenue for the fourth quarter, but it also plans to lay off about 1,100 workers.
Those job cuts will be in the United States, India and Japan as it cuts costs in its embedded processing division and in Japan where investments in markets do not offer “sustainable growth and returns.” The company expects the changes to result in annualized savings of about $130 million.
The job cuts and restructuring reflect the challenges in the semiconductor industry — even for TI, which analysts rate higher than many of its peers.
The 1,100 layoffs follow more than 1,800 layoffs last year mainly due to the phasing out of its wireless mobile and baseband businesses to focus on its analog and embedded processing businesses. The company has about 32,000 employees worldwide, including about 9,000 in the Dallas area.
The Dallas-based company makes semiconductor chips used in a variety of electronics products.
TI reported a profit of $511 million, or 46 cents a share, for the fourth quarter, compared with $264 million, or 23 cents a share, a year earlier. The latest numbers include $49 million in charges, which reduced profits by 3 cents per share, for a restructuring action excluded from the company’s previous guidance.
Revenue rose 2 percent to $3.03 billion.
TI’s per-share profit was in the mid-range of its guidance and met analysts’ consensus. Its revenue was at the high range of previous guidance.
“Our fourth quarter capped a year in which each quarter’s performance increasingly reflected the impact of structural changes we’ve made to focus TI on analog and embedded processing,” TI chief executive Rich Templeton said in a statement.
Analog revenue rose 12 percent and embedded processing revenue was up 11 percent in the fourth quarter from a year ago. Combined, that revenue accounted for 82 percent of the company’s total revenue in the fourth quarter and 79 percent for all of 2013.
For the full year 2013, TI posted a 23 percent increase in net profit to $2.2 billion. Revenue declined 5 percent to $12.2 billion, reflecting the business unit changes.
TI said its outlook for the first quarter is for revenue in the range of $2.83 billion to $3.07 billion and profits per share of 36 cents to 44 cents, including about $30 million in restructuring charges (similar to those mentioned above for the fourth quarter).