崩潰前兆:經濟下挫長期化 資金加速外逃
2014-05-30 11:13
紐約時報日前報導,今年2月,中共中央組織部下達有關「裸官」的內部文件:「要麼把家人接回來,要麼提前退休。」目的要他們把錢匯回中國,但是可能嗎? 2012年底中共中紀委確認,2012年十一長假期間,確認外逃的官員高達700多人。
中國有網民發帖調侃,美國總統歐巴馬警告某國:「不費一兵一卒,貴國即潰敗。1. 公佈貴國官員海外存款並凍結;2. 公佈有美國護照的官員名單;3. 公佈在美國定居的外逃貪官家屬名單;4. 下令清查洛杉磯二奶村;5. 把在美官員家屬送往關塔那摩基地。」講的就是中國。
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Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries: 2002-2011
This December 2013 report from Global Financial Integrity, “Illicit Financial Flows from the Developing World: 2002-2011,” finds that the developing world lost US$5.9 trillion in illicit financial flows from 2002-2011, with illicit outflows alarmingly increasing at an average rate of more than 10 percent per year.
The report is the fourth update of Global Financial Integrity’s groundbreaking report, Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries 2002-2006. For the first time, this year’s report incorporates re-exporting data from Hong Kong and uses disaggregated—as opposed to aggregated—bilateral trade data for those countries which report it.
Primary Findings
The developing world lost US$946.7 billion in illicit outflows in 2011, an increase of 13.7% over 2010. The capital outflows stem from crime, corruption, tax evasion, and other illicit activity.
The report finds that from 2002 to 2011, developing countries lost US$5.9 trillion to illicit outflows. The outflows increased at an average rate of 10.2% per year over the decade—significantly outpacing GDP growth.
As a percentage of GDP, Sub-Saharan Africa suffered the biggest loss of illicit capital. Illicit outflows from the region averaged 5.7% of GDP annually. Globally, illicit financial outflows averaged 4% of GDP.
China leads the world over the 10-year period with US$1.08 trillion in illicit outflows. However, 2011 marked the first time that Russia’s illicit outflows exceeded China’s, with a loss of US$191.14 billion against China’s US$151.35 billion. The previous methodology had significantly understated Russia’s illicit outflows, while it overstated China’s illicit outflows.
New Methodology
Last year, Global Financial Integrity debuted several important revisions to its HMN (Hot Money Narrow) methodology for calculating illicit financial flows. This report continues to revise GFI’s methodology by making significant changes to how it calculates GER (Gross Excluding Reversals) to estimate trade misinvoicing.
For the first time, this year’s report incorporates re-exporting data from Hong Kong and uses disaggregated—as opposed to aggregated—bilateral trade data for those countries which report it. The authors of this report believe that GFI’s previous methodology—which was accepted by most economists studying trade misinvoicing—resulted in an estimate that potentially overstated illicit outflows from many Asian countries and understated illicit outflows from other countries. Post-revision, the authors believe they have produced the most accurate estimate of global illicit financial outflows produced by GFI to date.
Country Rankings
The Top 25 countries with the highest measured cumulative illicit financial outflows between 2002 and 2011 were:
Illicit Outflows
Illicit Outflows
1. | China: | US$1.08tn | 14. | Philippines: | US$88.87bn |
2. | Russia: | US$880.96bn | 15. | Costa Rica: | US$80.65bn |
3. | Mexico: | US$461.86bn | 16. | Belarus: | US$75.09bn |
4. | Malaysia: | US$370.38bn | 17. | Qatar: | US$62.82bn2 |
5. | India: | US$343.93bn | 18. | Poland: | US$49.39bn |
6. | Saudi Arabia: | US$266.43bn | 19. | Serbia: | US$49.37bn |
7. | Brazil: | US$192.69bn | 20. | Chile: | US$45.20bn |
8. | Indonesia: | US$181.83bn | 21. | Paraguay: | US$40.12bn |
9. | Iraq: | US$78.79bn1 | 22. | Venezuela: | US$38.97bn |
10. | Nigeria: | US$142.27bn | 23. | Brunei: | US$38.37bn2 |
11. | Thailand: | US$140.88bn | 24. | Panama: | US$38.09bn |
12. | United Arab Emirates: | US$114.64bn2 | 25. | Turkey: | US$37.28bn |
13. | South Africa: | US$100.73bn |
- Data for Iraq was not available in 2002-2006, thus the average illicit outflows of US$15.76 billion reflect only the years 2007-2011. Likewise, the cumulative outflows of US$78.79 billion for Iraq are cumulative outflows for 2007 through 2011 only.
- Illicit financial outflow estimates from the oil exporting nations of Brunei, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates should be viewed with caution as they could be inflated due to opaque transactions with their nation’s sovereign wealth funds. GFI has flagged these countries in particular as their Net Errors and Omissions are greater than 50% of their Financial Account.