
冷卻 大腦前額葉皮質 失眠

戴上冷帽 跟失眠說再見

  • 2011-07-10
  • 中國時報
  • 潘勛/綜合報導
     根據研究,戴上最涼睡帽的失眠者,上床後89%的時間都在睡眠,而且比沒失眠問題的人早3分鐘進入夢鄉。該研究成果發表於「美國睡眠醫學學會」年度大會上。匹茲堡大學諾夫辛格(Eric Nofzinger)博士表示,接下來應進行大規模實驗,證實這項研究的成果。


一項新的研究表明,人與原發性失眠也許能夠找到救濟戴帽冷卻大腦在睡眠 這項研究結果發表在上週SLEEP 2011年 ,第25屆週年會議的聯合專業睡眠協會有限責任公司,在明尼阿波利斯。
據研究人員介紹, 在代謝減少大腦的額葉皮質入睡時發生,並伴有恢復性的睡眠。 失眠,然而, 此相同的增加代謝的大腦區域。 一種方法,以減少腦代謝活動是利用額葉腦熱轉涼的大腦,這個過程被稱為“ 腦低溫 。”
結果表明,有線性影響通宵熱轉印強度對睡眠潛伏期和睡眠效率 。 它發生的時間科目與原發性失眠入睡(13分鐘)和百分比時間睡在床上,他們(89%)在治療期間的最大冷卻強度相似的健康對照組(16分鐘和89% )。
“最重要的發現從這項研究的是,我們可以有一個有利影響睡眠的失眠患者通過一個安全的,非藥物的機制,可廣泛適用於家庭使用的失眠患者,”埃里克說Nofzinger,醫師,教授,主任,睡眠神經影像研究計劃在美國匹茲堡大學醫學院。 “這一發現的線性劑量反應的影響,治療意味著直接有利影響的神經生物學的失眠 ,可以改善睡眠的失眠患者。”
該研究篩選110人,招收12例原發性失眠和12名健康,年齡和性別匹配的對照。 與會者與失眠有一個平均年齡約45歲,和九個學科的12名是婦女。
與會者收到的所有晚前腦熱轉移穿著柔軟的塑料蓋在頭上。 該管的蓋中充滿了循環水。 不同的有效性熱轉印強度進行了研究部署多個條件:沒有冷卻帽,帽帶和冷卻或中性,溫和的,或者最大的冷卻強度。

Cooling the Brain During Sleep Reduces Primary Insomnia

A new study shows that people withprimary insomnia may be able to  find relief by wearing a cap that cools the brain during sleep. The  findings were presented last week at SLEEP 2011, the 25th Anniversary Meeting of the  Associated Professional Sleep Societies LLC, in Minneapolis.
According to the researchers, areduction in metabolism in the brain’s frontal cortex occurs whilefalling asleep and is associated  withrestorative sleep. Insomnia, however, is associated with increased  metabolism in this same brain region. One way to reduce cerebral  metabolic activity is to use frontal cerebral thermal transfer to cool  the brain—a process known as “cerebral hypothermia.”
Results show that there were linear effects of all-night thermal  transfer intensities onsleep latency and sleep efficiency. The time  that it took subjects with primary insomnia to fall asleep (13 minutes)  and the percentage of time in bed that they slept (89%) during treatment  at the maximal cooling intensity were similar to those of healthy  controls (16 minutes and 89%).
“The most significant finding from this study is that we can have a  beneficial impact on thesleep of insomnia patients via a safe,  nonpharmaceutical mechanism that can be made widely available for home  use by insomnia sufferers,” said Eric Nofzinger, MD, professor and  director of the Sleep Neuroimaging Research Program at the University of  Pittsburgh School of Medicine. “The finding of a linear dose response  effect of the treatment implies a direct beneficial impact on the  neurobiology of insomnia that can improve the sleep of insomnia  patients.”
The study screened 110 people, enrolling 12 with primary insomnia and  12 healthy, age- and gender-matched controls. Participants with  insomnia had an average age of about 45 years, and nine of the 12  subjects were women.
Participants received all-night front cerebral thermal transfer by  wearing a soft plastic cap on their head. The cap contained tubes that  were filled with circulating water. The effectiveness of varying thermal  transfer intensities was investigated by implementing multiple  conditions: no cooling cap, and cooling cap with either neutral,  moderate, or maximal cooling intensity.

大腦皮質Cerebral Cortex

前額葉皮質區 (Prefrontal Cortex)解決問題, 情緒
運動聯合區 (Motor Association Cortex)調控複雜的運動
主要運動皮質區 (Primary Motor Cortex)啟始自主性運動
主要體覺皮質區 (Primary Somatosensory Cortex)接收來自身體各部位的觸覺資訊
感覺聯合區 (Sensory Association Area)處理各種感覺訊息
視覺聯合區 (Visual Association Area)處理複雜的視覺訊號
視覺皮質區 (Visual Cortex)偵測較為簡單的視訊刺激
韋尼克氏區 (Wernicke's Area)語言的理解
聽覺聯合區 (Auditory Association Area)處理複雜的聽覺訊號
聽覺皮質區 (Auditory Cortex)音質的偵測 (聲音大小、音質)
布洛卡氏區 (Speech Center (Broca's Area))語言的啟始中心
