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Hollande Strives to Overcome French Technology Death Valley By Marie Mawad - Jun 5, 2013 法國總統歐蘭德 出科技死亡谷

By Marie Mawad - Jun 5, 2013
  • 2013-06-30 01:20

  • 工商時報
  • ■法國數10年來孕育出不少科技先驅,卻缺乏投資人與創業家將其發展為成功商品。
    ■French business history is strewn with such examples of missed opportunities.
    當今全球只要提到電腦、網路必先想到IBM、蘋果、微軟等鼎鼎大名的美國企業,但事實上全球第一台微電腦卻是法國工程師哲內爾(Francois Gernelle)在1973年發明的,而1982年法國電信局推出的Minitel系統更是網際網路先驅。
    這些多年累積的遺憾在如今經濟不景氣的法國再度引發討論。總統歐蘭德(Francois Hollande)也誓言不能讓法國一再錯失良機,於是在今年1月下令製作一份名為「法國品牌」的研究報告。該報告預定6月底發表,旨在為國內研發、專利及其他無形資產找到永續發展之道,以期帶動法國出口成長並推動經濟復甦。
    專利輝煌 公司卻虧損
    智慧產權顧問公司Marks & Clerk合夥人克莉絲汀.阮(Christian Nguyen)表示:「法國空有多位諾貝爾獎得主領導的實驗室,還有無數大型品牌與博物館,但欠缺將之轉換為就業機會、經濟成長與新創企業的管道。」
    哲內爾當年發明的微電腦Micral也有相同的宿命。哲內爾所屬的科技公司R2E後來被布爾電腦(Groupe Bull)收購,而新東家卻未把握PC市場先機,反而將Micral應用在公路收費亭,最後也導致公司長年虧損。
    投資不來 中小企業缺錢
    近10年來,儘管法國政府出資推動研究機構與產業合作,且多數國家實驗室、大學院校如今都有完善的專利管理架構,但法國賽峰集團(Safran)子公司Morpho研發部副主任伯杜(Vincent Bouatou)認為,一項創新技術如欲發展為獲利模式,仍須創業家與投資人參與才能實現。
    歐蘭德為了重振法國科技業,已在4月宣布將調降增值稅來鼓勵創投。主導「法國品牌」報告的工業部長蒙特柏格(Arnaud Montebourg)也在去年推動「法國製造」計畫,目的皆為提升出口額。
    法國影像技術供應商Technicolor智慧產權執行副總裁德胡思(Beatrix de Russe)認為,除了產品出口之外,法國企業將專利授權給海外企業也是提升出口的一種方式。該公司去年光靠專利授權就進帳5.12億歐元。
    曾在2005至2007年擔任法國財政部顧問的葛瑞皮內(Gilles Grapinet)表示:「無形的經濟資產不只是專利,還包括軟體、繪圖、設計、文化、品牌及奢侈品。」他認為這些都是不同形式的創意,而法國在其中許多領域都有傲視全球的發明,只是國內需要更多創業家來行銷創意。

    French business history is strewn with such examples of missed opportunities. From the Internet-precursor Minitel to Francois Mizzi’s touchscreen patents in the 1980s, France has repeatedly failed to turn ideas and research into money-making global products, leaving others to ride away with the prize.
    French business history is strewn with such examples of missed opportunities. From the Internet-precursor Minitel to Francois Mizzi’s touchscreen patents in the 1980s, France has repeatedly failed to turn ideas and research into money-making global products, leaving others to ride away with the prize. Photographer: Jeff Pachoud/AFP via Getty Images
    France’s competitiveness czar Louis Gallois said the European Union’s largest producer of math, science and technology graduates needs to get out of “the death valley between what’s developed in a lab and its future as a successful product or company.” Photographer: Fabrice Dimier/Bloomberg
    PSA Peugeot Citroen SA's distinction as the country’s most innovative company - topping the list of patents for the last five years with everything from “hybrid air” engine technology to “magicwash” for cleaner windshields - did little to prevent it from posting a record 5 billion-euro loss last year. Photographer: Balint Porneczi/Bloomberg
    The European Union’s largest producer of math, science and technology graduates needs to get out of “the death valley between what’s developed in a lab and its future as a successful product or company,” said Louis Gallois, former head of Airbus parent European Aeronautic Defence and Space Co. and now France’s competitiveness czar.
    Building on a decade-long effort, President Francois Hollande’s government is seeking to put in place plans to squeeze more out of the country’s innovations and image. The latest effort to end Europe’s second-largest economy’s recession and reverse record joblessness is a state-commissioned report dubbed “Brand France” that will lay out by the end of June ways to wring more from the nation’s research, patents and other intangible assets.
    “France has research labs with Nobel prize winners, strong brands, museums; what it needs is to figure out how to cash in by turning it all into jobs, growth and startups,” said Christian Nguyen, managing partner of Marks & Clerk, which advises companies and governments on intellectual property.

    ‘Great Assets’

    The record so far has been far from stellar.
    Take France’s largest carmaker PSA Peugeot Citroen SA (UG). Its distinction as the country’s most innovative company -- topping the list of patents for the last five years with everything from “hybrid air” engine technology to “magicwash” for cleaner windshields -- did little to prevent it from posting a record 5 billion-euro ($6.5 billion) loss last year.
    Gernelle’s microprocessor-powered micro-computer, dubbed Micral, wasn’t any different. R2E, where he worked, was taken over by Groupe Bull, which relegated the machine to niche markets like toll booths. Efforts to elbow into the PC mass-market later failed, making Bull, which chalked up losses for years, a bit player.
    “The French invented the micro-computer, but they didn’t know how to market it,” said Tomasz Michalski, an economics professor at HEC business school near Paris. “France has great assets. It just doesn’t use them efficiently.”

    French Hurdles

    Inventions are encouraged with events such as Concours Lepine, a century-old annual contest held last month in Paris. The fair generated early versions of the flatiron, the ballpoint pen and the artificial heart, alongside quirky gadgets to help do everything from scratch backs to pick up dog poop.
    Where France fails is in taking a good idea and building a business around it, said Nguyen.
    “Mentalities still need to evolve,” he said. “It’s time to let go of the idea that science for science is better than science for money.”
    Efforts have been made over the last decade to get state-backed research entities and industry to work together. Most public labs, universities and engineering schools have structures to manage patents or incubators to help startups.
    Still, “to turn an idea into money, you need entrepreneurs and you need investors who’ll put in money to back a new technology and develop it into a product,” said Vincent Bouatou, deputy head of research and technology at Morpho, a unit of aeronautics and defense group Safran SA (SAF).

    Squeezing More

    France’s private equity association Afic last year said the lack of capital available to finance small and medium-sized companies had become an “emergency.” The amount of such capital in 2012 in France was $6.5 billion, less than half the $17.6 billion in the U.K. and a fraction of the $126.3 billion in the U.S.
    Investment in France is less attractive because of high labor-related costs and conditions and taxes that are both elevated and constantly shifting, according to a report published today by Ernst & Young.
    After speaking out against finance during his election campaign and targeting wealthy taxpayers with a so-called “millionaire tax,” Socialist President Hollande more recently has attempted to win over the country’s entrepreneurial classes as part of a move to boost France’s competitiveness.
    In April, he said he’ll lower the capital-gains tax to “compensate investment and risk taking” by entrepreneurs.

    Strategic Assets

    Gallois’ competitiveness plan includes making state funds available to monetize research through bodies such as Societes d’acceleration du Transfert de Technologies and Consortiums de Valorisation Thematiques. As France seeks ways out of recession and a 14-year-highunemployment rate, getting more bang for each research buck is among items high up on its list.
    The “Brand France” report, ordered in January, is partly a brainchild of Industry Minister Arnaud Montebourg, who last year pushed the “Made in France” campaign, posing before the French flag to promote local products. More recently, he blocked the sale of “strategic” video site Dailymotion, a Youtube rival, to the U.S.’s Yahoo! Inc.
    The report seeks to list how France can use its intangible assets -- image, history, brands and culture -- to boost exports and narrow the near-record trade gap.
    Licensing patents to companies abroad is one way to increase exports, said Beatrix de Russe, an executive vice president for intellectual property at Technicolor SA (TCH).

    Licensing Patents

    The company, one of France’s most-active on patent filing, has 220 people in Paris dissecting gadgets from technology giants like Apple, Samsung Electronics Co. (0059030) and HTC Corp. to spot infringements and strike new licensing deals.
    “Licensing is important in our company’s finances -- it’s how we pay for more research and continue to innovate,” de Russe said. “What’s less obvious is it’s also important for France. It’s reflected in the trade balance.”
    The company, which in 1939 invented the process for color movies used in “The Wizard of Oz” and now sells special-effects software to film studios, last year had 512 million euros in licensing revenue.
    The licensing unit, its most profitable, helped the company navigate a restructuring and survive six straight years of net losses as it refocused business from hardware to services.
    So when France needed someone to head a sovereign fund for licensing patents in 2011, it turned to Jean-Charles Hourcade, a former research and patents chief at Technicolor.

    State Driven

    The French public-financed initiative, the first of its kind in Europe, has drawn interest from neighbors GermanySpain and Italy, as well as the European Commission, Hourcade said.
    “The idea of state-defined industrial policy strikes a chord in France,” said Hourcade, who heads the France Brevets investment fund. “The high-speed TGV train, nuclear power, the Minitel... They all came from state investments. The state is adapting its strategy to a more digital world, but the thinking behind it is the same.”
    When Alcatel-Lucent (ALU) put its patents up as collateral in December for a loan underwritten by Credit Suisse Group AG and Goldman Sachs Group Inc., the French state tried to step in.
    Although the 2 billion-euro funding deal went through, the state is keeping a wary eye on the 30,000 patents, including for voice recognition and video conferencing, valued at 5 billion euros in an analysis by Global IP Law Group.

    ‘Common Language’

    The government has set strict financial goals and expects returns for the state patents fund, Hourcade said. His objective of return on investment has been set at 8 percent.
    France Telecom SA (FTE), which holds 7,500 patents in telecommunications, software and Internet technology, has generated 300 million euros from licensing in the past 10 years.
    “Intellectual property is the common language for partnerships, setting industry standards, sharing technology and allowing analysts and investors to measure your ability to innovate,” said Luc Savage, who heads the company’s intellectual property and licensing business.
    Former France Telecom CEO Thierry Breton, who was finance minister between 2005 and 2007, was instrumental in creating an agency to help value brands -- including institutions such as the Louvre museum and Sorbonne University -- and patents.
    “The intangible economy isn’t only patents; it’s also software, drawing, design, culture, brands, luxury... It’s creativity in all its forms,” said Gilles Grapinet, who served as an adviser to Breton at the ministry. “There’s no measure for that, but France has some of the world’s best.”

    Creating Value

    France has shown it can turn a local invention into a global success. Chips developed by Frenchman Roland Moreno and patented in 1974, are now used in bank cards and mobile phones. They’ve made Gemalto SA (GTO) the world’s biggest maker of smart cards, with sales of 2.2 billion euros in 2012.
    Such cases are few and far between.
    “We need entrepreneurs -- people who can take an innovation and turn it into a marketable product,” said Yann Magnan, managing director at Duff & Phelps, which helps clients evaluate intangible assets. “Whatever the innovation, if there’s no one to make something out of it, it becomes the worst case scenario: a total absence of value.”
    To contact the reporter on this story: Marie Mawad in Paris at mmawad1@bloomberg.net
    To contact the editor responsible for this story: Vidya Root at vroot@bloomberg.netKenneth Wong at kwong11@bloomberg.net


    2013 今年最熱! 台東37.4度、台北36.7度

    〈快訊〉今年最熱! 台東37.4度、台北36.7度



    台灣 : 平均薪資倒退16年

     平均薪資倒退16年 創金融海嘯以來新低

    • 2013-06-25 01:34
    • 中國時報
    • 【陳宥臻/台北報導】

         薪水沒漲物價漲 年輕人不結婚
         製造業不求創新 對台灣風險大 在中壢開設快炒店的李先生說,現在消費者很精,多漲五元就會接到很多抱怨,但食材的價格在漲,客人的薪水不漲,老闆要漲價又很怕客人不來,生意實在很難做。


    前4月實質平均薪資 減幅第二大
    減幅最大的兩年 都在馬政府任內


    PIMCO:5年內 全球衰退機率逾60% Pimco Sees 60% Chance of Global Recession in 3-5 Years

    PIMCO:5年內 全球衰退機率逾60%

    • 2013-06-13 01:42
    • 工商時報
    • 【記者吳慧珍、蕭美惠/綜合外電報導】
         PIMCO投資組合經理人帕瑞克(Saumil Parikh)周二在公司官網張貼報告指出,全球經濟成長腳步將放緩,連帶使通膨降溫,「經濟波動」恐愈演愈烈,因此投資人不宜為追求高報酬而過度承擔高風險。


    Pimco Sees 60% Chance of Global Recession in 3-5 Years

    Published: Tuesday, 11 Jun 2013 | 11:18 PM ETc By:
    High debt levels have raised the chances of a global recession in the next three to five years to more than 60 percent, said Pimco, which manages the world's largest bond fund.
    The world economy goes through a recession about every six years and the frequency of global recessions tends to rise when global indebtedness is high and falling compared with when indebtedness is low and rising, Pacific Investment Management Co (Pimco) said in a note published on its website late Tuesday.

    "Given that the last global recession was four years ago, and also given that the global economy is significantly more indebted today than it was four years ago, we believe there is now a greater than 60 percent probability that we will experience another global recession in the next three to five years," Saumil H. Parikh, a managing director and generalist portfolio manager at Pimco said in the note.
    The U.S. had a debt to GDP ratio of about 101.6 in 2012, up from 99.4 in 2011. Japan, the world's third largest economy after China and the U.S., has a debt to GDP ratio of more than 200 percent.

    Sani Hamid, Director, Wealth Management, Economy & Market Strategy at Financial Alliance explains how the sell-off in Southeast Asian markets is a reversal of the capital inflows over the past year.
    "We have started to see more recessions than not, but I do think we have moved into a phase that we saw 10-20 years ago, where we have different pockets of growth," Sani Hamid, director wealth management at Financial Alliance, said referring to the Pimco report.

    "I think Europe will remain mired in a recession while the U.S. will chug along at a low rate of growth, while emerging markets move ahead especially those in Asia," he added.
    According to Pimco, investors should reduce their risk exposure given its outlook for deteriorating economic conditions in the world economy.
    Parikh said that while both U.S. stocks and bonds were expensive, that was not the case globally and that he favored government bond markets in Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, Mexico and Brazil.

    "In the equity space, we generally favor emerging market equities and specifically Chinese non-financial equities," Pariikh added in the note.
    Emerging market assets have sold off sharply in recent weeks amid jitters about an outflow of funds as the investors brace for an unwinding of the U.S. Federal Reserve's monetary stimulus. That monetary stimulus has helped boost liquidity in markets globally in recent years.

    REPORT: IBM Has Started To Lay Off Thousands Of Workers Worldwide / 2013 / IBM裁員 首波砍1300人

    REPORT: IBM Has Started To Lay Off Thousands Of Workers Worldwide


    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/ibm-begins-layoffs-2013-6#ixzz2W4o1WTBE

    IBM started laying off employees on Wednesday, Bloomberg's Sarah Frier reports. 
    IBM said in April it plans to spend $1 billion on severance and other costs to shrink its work force. 
    Laurence Balter, an analyst at Oracle Investment Research who's quoted in the Bloomberg story, said this would add up to between 6,000 and 8,000 jobs. 
    That range of layoffs "sounds about right," IBM union organizer Lee Conrad told us. Conrad has been sounding the alarm on smaller IBM layoffs for months.
    IBM is cutting all kinds of employees, from "rank-and-file staff to executives," according to Frier's sources.  
    The tech and consulting company had 434,246 employees worldwide at the end of 2012, so these cuts would amount to less than 2%.
    IBM in April missed Wall Street's estimates for the first time since 2005.
    The company's Research Triangle Park, N.C. location, where IBM does engineering for many of its server and storage products, reported 200 jobs cuts today, one IBM insider told us.
    Needless to say, the mood there is grim. 
    "From what I saw at work today, IBMers were pale, antsy, and stressed out. It's not pretty," the IBM insider said.
    IBM also shopped its low-end server business to Lenovo, but those talks fizzled last month. 
    In a videotaped speech to IBM employees after April's earnings, CEO Virginia Rometty urged them to step up their game
    "Where we haven't transformed rapidly enough, we struggled. We have to step up with that and deal with that, and that is on all levels," she said in the video. 
    An IBM spokesperson declined to comment on the reported layoff numbers but sent us the following statement via email:
    "Change is constant in the technology industry and transformation is an essential feature of our business model," the spokesperson said. "Consequently, some level of workforce remix is a constant requirement for our business."

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/ibm-begins-layoffs-2013-6#ixzz2W4ntgpYh

    IBM裁員 首波砍1300人


    (中央社台北13日電)據勞工組織Alliance@IBM指出,全球最大電腦服務供應商國際商業機器公司(International Business Machines Corp.)昨天在美國展開裁員動作,如今至少已砍了1300人。
    Alliance@IBM協調員康拉德(Lee Conrad表示,這波裁員,軟體事業行銷部門至少砍了222人,半導體研發部門則占了165人。Alliance@IBM隸屬美國通訊工人協會(Communications Workers of America)旗下。
    甲骨文投資研究公司(Oracle InvestmentResearch)分析師包特(Laurence Balter)表示,根據10億美元重組費用計算,IBM將在全球裁員6000至8000人。在截至去年12月31日為止,IBM有員工43萬4246人,這波裁員占IBM總人力比重不到2%。(譯者:中央社趙蔚蘭)