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海嘯襲大火燒 東北3縣瀕「毀滅狀態」 |
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日本超級強震引發十公尺高的海嘯,重創日本東北地區。地震持續約兩分鐘,海嘯在當地時間十一日下午三點五十分襲擊仙台灣,凶猛海嘯捲起日本東北海岸的船隻、車輛和貨櫃,挾帶土石的混濁海水衝進陸地,淹沒房屋和農田,毫不留情吞噬所及的景物。 海嘯過後,仙台警方巡邏市區時,在仙台市若林區赫然發現大批遺體,估計約在兩百至三百人間,罹難者死因明顯為溺斃,應是海嘯來襲不及走避。 離海岸僅一公里的仙台機場泡在水中,跑道大半遭土石掩埋,岩手縣花卷機場也關閉,茨城縣完工不過一年的機場有大片屋頂震落。東北地區逾四百萬戶停電。 日本時事通信社報導,光是岩手縣大船渡市一地,就有三百戶民宅因地震倒塌或遭海嘯沖毀,當地亦傳出廿七名中學生失蹤。 日本放送協會(NHK)播出仙台分社在地震當時的錄影畫面,可看到員工在成疊書本紙張間搖搖晃晃前進。NHK播出的畫面亦顯示海嘯捲起一艘大船,衝破防波堤,捲進宮城縣海港氣仙沼市。 東北臨太平洋的岩手、宮城、福島、茨城等縣首當其衝,災情慘重。福島縣相馬偵測到七點三公尺高巨浪,各地陸續傳出災情。日本海岸上保安本部也不能倖免,兩艘救難船隻遭巨浪捲走。 重災區四縣陸續傳出火災,日產汽車和住友工業位於東北地區的廠房皆傳火警,福島縣白河市傳出八人遭活埋。到十一日晚上為止,岩手縣仍有八個市町村的對外聯絡仍然中斷。 受到超級強震影響,JR東日本往來關東和東北的新幹線全線停駛。本州北至青森,南至神奈川,包括東京在內,共有四百零五萬戶停電。
【編譯莊蕙嘉/綜合報導】日本強震引發海嘯,海嘯引發火災。宮城縣氣仙沼市多架漁船因海嘯翻覆,燃料流出引發火勢,並隨著衝進陸地的大水蔓延,入夜後的氣仙沼市區一片火海。 朝日新聞報導,海嘯在十一日下午五點半侵襲氣仙沼市,市區幾乎全數泡水。停泊在港口的漁船被巨浪掀翻,船上燃油流出起火。 由於海嘯挾帶大量海水侵入市區,火勢隨著水勢到處蔓延,引燃民宅和其他易燃物,一發不可收拾,且不斷傳出爆炸聲,入夜後的氣仙沼一片火海。朝日新聞駐地記者形容「氣仙沼變成火海,火勢相當猛烈」。 【2011/03/12 聯合報】 |
Update: Quake prompts supply chain worries
Mark LaPedus , Peter Clarke
3/11/2011 11:29 AM EST
LONDON – It is still hard to find out the state of a number of wafer fabs in the prefectures closest to the massive earthquake, and resulting tsunami that hit Japan Friday (March 11).
Normally factories, which are built to withstand earthquakes in the area, suffer little damage and the worst that happens is a loss of work in progress. However, this is massive earthquake and factories could have been damaged, and re-establishing electricity and water supplies and transportation links may take many days.
As well as being a significant manufacturer of chips Japan holds a key position in the semiconductor equipment and materials supply chain, which could have a bearing on chip manufacturing factory operations in the rest of the world. Japan is a major player in LCDs, solar and other products.
Needless to say, Japan is critical to the worldwide electronics supply chain. ''Over 40 percent of the world's NAND flash and roughly 15 percent of the world's DRAM are manufactured in Japan,'' said Jim Handy, an analyst with Objective-Analysis.
''Japan is a significant source of chips to support consumer electronics devices. A two-week shutdown would remove from production a sizable share of each of these. It doesn't take a large production decrease to cause prices to increase dramatically. Objective Analysis anticipates phenomenal price swings and large near-term shortages as a result of this earthquake,'' Handy said.
''Demand will be impacted as well since many electronics manufacturers are in Japan, and their consumption of semiconductors will be halted until earthquake damage is repaired,'' he said.
Japan has many chip and fab tool vendors. Tokyo Electron Ltd. (TEL) has a plant in Miyagi. Nikon Inc., a leading supplier of lithography equipment, has manufacturing operations in Sendai and in Katta-gun, Miyagi prefecture. Miyagi Nikon Precision Co., Ltd. makes components for inclusion in LCD and IC steppers. A prolonged interruption there could impact the current strong sales of equipment and slow down expansion of global chip manufacturing capacity during 2011.
Shin-etsu a leading supplier of silicon wafers does not have any major manufacturing plants in the north of Japan but does have a number of factories in the Gunma region northwest of Tokyo.
Japanese chip makers are still assessing the impact of the quake. Fujitsu Ltd. issued the following statement. ''As of 6:00 pm JST, there have been no reports of any injuries that have been sustained by our Fujitsu employees from the earthquake that hit northern and central Japan today. There have been reports of slight damages to our buildings and power outages; however, there have been no reports of any severe damage. We are currently confirming whether this disaster has affected our regular business operations.''
''We are assessing the situation'' in Japan, according to a spokeswoman from Toshiba America Electronic Components Inc. ''As with any significant disaster, much information is coming in piecemeal and unconfirmed. TAEC is working with other affiliates and Toshiba Corporation to sift through the information to determine what can be accurately reported. When confirmed information is available, we will provide it.''
There are signs of a fab power outage, however. ''Currently, there are indications that the Iwate factory has been affected by a power outage. All factories are being inspected for damage,'' she said. ''In addition to delivery interruptions that may arise from factory damage, shipments of product may be affected by disruptions in road, rail, sea, and air transportation within and from Japan.''
A spokeswoman from Renesas Electronics America Inc. said: ''Some of our facilities are located in Northern Japan. Right now, our team in Japan is checking on damage that may have occurred to our facilities. As aftershocks are frequently occurring, our priority right now is to ensure the safety of our employees and carefully assess the status of any damage.''
Fab tool giant TEL may have been hard hit. Ironically, on March 4, an accidental fire destroyed construction materials at TEL’s new Miyagi plant in Taiwa-cho, Miyagi Prefecture. While the extent of the fire damage was limited, TEL ''has deemed it necessary to postpone the beginning of operations at the production building, originally scheduled for April 2011, in order to ensure a flawless production environment.''
As of March 4, TEL said it would maintain the current production line at Tokyo Electron AT Limited’s Miyagi Plant (Matsushima-machi) and expand the production areas of the Yamanashi Plants (Nirasaki City).The development and office buildings are still scheduled to begin operation in April as initially planned.
It is unclear if the quake impacted this operation. Calls to TEL have yet to be returned.
ATE vendor Advantest Corp. of Japan issued the following statement: ''At this time we are still awaiting a full assessment of the earthquake's impact on Advantest and its facilities. Initial information out of Japan reports no known injuries to Advantest staff, and little to no damage at our facilities. Clearly, this is a tragedy of epic proportion for Japan and its people, and our hearts and minds go out to all of those injured or suffering. We thank you for your concern and will put out updates when available.''
2011-03-12 12:28
2011-03-11 17:46
2011-03-11 17:48
日本8.9級大地震‧3天前7.3級地震或是前兆‧專家:兩輪強震前所未有 2011-03-12 12:15 (日本‧東京11日訊)日本氣象廳的專家指出,週五下午的大地震是日本歷來最高,為在板塊交界處發生的逆斷層型地震。 氣象廳說,此次地震與9日發生在日本東北地區的7.3級地震屬於同一地震機制。因此,9日的地震可能是前兆性地震,而本次地震是主震。9日地震並未造成傷亡,也僅引發小型海嘯。 地震海嘯監視科科長橫山博文在新聞發佈會上稱,斷層有可能從東北地區沿海延伸到關東地區沿海,長達數百公里。 他說,剛發生的7級以上地震後緊接著又發生巨大地震的案例前所未有,此次地震屬於特異事例。 橫山博文說,茨城縣海域緊接發生的地震,也許屬於餘震,不過也有可能是單獨發生的。 逆斷層是地震構造中斷層的一種,為上盤上升,下盤相對下降的斷層,主要由水準擠壓而形成。至於斷層,則是地下岩層受力達到一定強度而發生破裂,並沿著破裂面有明顯相對移動,這是引發地震的主要原因。 |