
利比亞動盪 中資經濟利益面臨巨大威脅 China's Liberia investment in risk ,10+ Billion USD

利比亞這一亂中資慘虧 2/27/2011 ~within 10s billion

利比亞動盪 陸撤僑2萬9千 【13:05】 2011年2月28日‧星期一



利比亞危機 中國企業受重創

  • 2011-02-28
  • 旺報
  • 【記者陳秀蘭/綜合報導】
     據了解 ,不止中國鐵建,包括中國建築一度迅猛擴張在非洲海外業務的一大批中資企業,均受重創。以中國建築為例中國建築全資子公司中建8局總承包利比亞班加西崗得富和哈德拉新城2萬套地產項目,投資金額數十億美元。中建是總承包商,下轄共計還有10家公司,超過上萬工人參與項目建設。

2011年 02月 28日 13:41
中國一反常態 同意制裁利比亞
國投票支持聯合國安理會(UN Security Council)的決議﹐同意就對待利比亞國民問題制裁利比亞政府。對於中國來說﹐這是很不尋常的舉動。






2011年 02月 28日 13:31
東局勢動盪對中國國有石油企業來說是個壞消息。在中國石油天然氣集團公司(China National Petroleum Corp.)從利比亞撤離工作人員的同時,煉油企業中國石油化工股份有限公司(Sinopec, 簡稱:中國石化)的股東們也在中國國內密切關注著局勢的發展。





不過,從中國石化的盈虧角度看,推遲進一步上調國內成品油價格可能並非一件壞事。德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)亞洲油氣行業研究部門主管David Hurd稱,只考慮短時間內國際油價與國內成品油價格之間的關系是具有誤導性的。誠然,在通貨膨脹受到控制之前,國家發改委可能會一直維持國內成品油價格不變。但政府有可能會在今年晚些時候相對大幅地上調成品油價格,以抵補煉油企業眼下蒙受的利潤損失。




Liberia: China's Investment Reaches U.S $9.9 Billion

26 April 2010
The Government of the People's Republic of China has revealed that its investment in Liberia has reached a total of US$9.9 billion dollars.
The Vice Minister of Commerce of China, Mr. FU Ziying, made the disclosure during the signing ceremonies of six agreements between the Government of Liberia and China, which took place at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs over the weekend.
The agreements are intended to boost trade between both countries and peoples.

The six agreements are; Economic and Technical Cooperation between the Governments of the People's Republic of China and the Government of Liberia; exchange of letter-zero tariff treatment with import of 60% of commodities originated from Liberia to China shall be totally exempted; exchange of letters-Technical; Cooperation Project with the Liberia Broadcasting System.

Other agreement entered into include exchange of letters-for the provision of 10 million RMB(Yuan) by the Chinese Government for additional medical materials to the Tappita Hospital to support the operation of the hospital; exchange of letter for the provision of 3 Million RMB medical equipment to the China-Liberia Malaria Prevention and Treatment Center by the Chinese Government and exchange of letter-for the provision of three (3) Million Yuan malaria medicines to the Liberian Government by the Chinese Government.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Olubanke King-Akerele signed for the Government of Liberia while the Vice Minister of Commerce of China, Mr. FU Ziying signed on behalf of his country.
Madam Akerele welcomed the delegation and said their visit to Liberia shows that China has lot of interests Liberia. She added that the agreements will promote Liberia's development programs and build the country's economy.
The Vice Minister of Commerce of China thanked the Liberian Government and people for the warm welcome received, adding, "we will do all we can to help the people of Liberia. To date, through the smooth cooperation between the people of Liberia and china, my country has invested 9.9 billion dollars in your economy." Fu Ziying noted.

Additionally, the stalled China-Union Bong Mines Project was also lunched. The project is expected to provide job investment opportunities in Liberia and boost the country's economy.
The head of the 42 member delegation which comprises of government officials, business executives as well as journalists said the signing of the agreements symbolizes the long standing bilateral relations between the two countries.
Mr. Fiying said, it is hoped that upon the completion of the projects undertaken by his government, Liberians will make good use of the facilities because the Chinese government attaches great importance to the development of Liberia.
The University of Liberia Fendell new campus, the Tappita Hospital in Nimba County is among projects he said his government has undertaken in Liberia. He also pledged his government support to health care, agriculture, tourism and noted that China is committed to working with Liberia in its development drive.
Following the unveiling of the nameplate of the China Union Investment (Liberia) Bong Mines Co. Ltd, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf praised all those who have worked in ensuring that the Bong Mines project becomes a reality. She also praised the effort of Chinese President, Hu Jintao.
President Sirleaf called on all partners and the business community to support the investment and help transform the country. She also wants Liberian businesses to take advantage of the project and begin to identify areas of possible investment.
The 2.5 billion dollar China Union Bong Mines Project is seen as the biggest project in Liberia.

Chinese investment in Liberia brings risk

Eric Witte August 23rd, 2008
The Economist provides a nice overview of Liberia’s gradual recovery under President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf*, who took office in January 2006.   While she has tackled corruption and sought to spur economic growth to the advantage of average Liberians, Liberia has received substantial aid from the United States and Europe, as well as benefitted from mounting international investment.  As The Economist notes, China is among the countries putting cash into Liberia:
The Chinese are getting involved too. They have resurfaced the decrepit William Tubman Boulevard, Monrovia’s main artery, named after the country’s longest-serving president, and will take on similar projects throughout Liberia.
China’s influence across Africa is growing, which has rightly sparked concern.  In such places as Sudan, Chinese investment serves as a crutch for dictatorial (and in Sudan’s case, genocidal) regimes. By contrast, Chinese investment in democratic Liberia seems unproblematic at first blush.  Yet it still poses a potential risk.
If Liberia’s fragile new democracy were to falter, there is a decent chance that western aid would be used as leverage to keep democratic governance on track.  The response of the United States and European Union to the August 6 coup in Mauritania, for example, could eventually create real pressure for the restoration of democratic order in that West African nation.  It is evident that Western defense of democracy in the region (and beyond) is far from guaranteed.  Witness, for example, the West’sappalling, passive acceptance of outright dictatorship in Liberia’s bauxite-laden neighbor, Guinea, or its cozy diplomatic relationships with the despots of oil-rich Gabon and Equatorial Guinea.  
While use of the established democracies’ leverage cannot be taken for granted in pressing for democratic change or seeking to prevent democratic backsliding, it is clear that China doesn’t care about democracy or good governance at all.  As long as natural resources from African countries continue to fuel China’s rapid economic development, Beijing will maintain support for the most odious of regimes.  To the extent that China becomes a major player in Africa, potential leverage from established democratic governments for maintance of human rights and democracy declines.
Liberia remains one of the poorest countries in the world and obviously cannot afford to turn up its nose at any aid or investment.  But China’s no-strings-attached approach to investing in Africa raises the stakes for Liberia by cutting away part of the safety net under President Johnson Sirleaf’s impressive high-wire act.
*Most media organizations - including The Economist - hyphenate her last name, but in interviews President Johnson Sirleaf has said that it isn’t hyphenated.

One Response to “Chinese investment in Liberia brings risk”

  1. Arma Joneson 07 Feb 2010 at 6:16 am
    Taking the Initiative
    Here in Monrovia, Liberia’s capital, having been here three consecutive years, there are signs of an economic awakening. There is construction going on in many parts of this city. Roads are being paved, merchants are selling their wares everywhere and the new elite are driving new their brand new SUVs on the streets of this city. Those lucky to have a job wait on the side of the highway coming into Monrovia for transportation to get to their places of employment.
    The Monrovia to Ganta highway is busy with traffic in both directions. These are sign that the economy is beginning to show signs of growth after years of negative growth primarily due to civil war. and poor governance during and immediately after that conflict. There seems to be an awakening of the Liberian entrepreneur spirit; evident by so many street merchants and vendors selling their wares everywhere in downtown Monrovia.
    The major players such as , the United States, China and the European Union are continuing to assisting the country at this crucial juncture giving the economy a boost having written off millions of dollars and by an infusion of new investments by majors international Companies. this will benefit the Liberian people. I suspect that in the very near future there is going to be a massive infusion of additional investments and Capital by these players. There is potential for lucrative contracts with these investors and tremendous benefit to the Country by awarding contracts for investments in natural resources in areas such as: Forestry, Mining, exploration of a potentially lucrative oil grid off the coast in the gulf of Guinea, Gold and Diamonds. In the Agriculture sector, that more money will have to be invested in food production, especially rice. I believe our friends are willing to assist in this critical area by providing farmers with hybrid seeds that yield bigger harvest.
    The key question now is whether those that govern now and others waiting in the wings prepared to address these and other issues pertinent to moving the nation in the right direction mentioned above? Another question is who has the credibility, knowledge of what the Nation must embark on to provide JOBS,JOBS,JOBS, provide education to the thousands of Children who want to be educated, improve public health by providing latrines, reinvigorating the legal, medical and other institutions destroyed during the civil war? The International Community and Investors are ready to pour in millions, or for that matter billions of dollars in Liberia, but they want to know that business environment is safe and there are no risks to their investments. The choice of leadership is important because they are seeking stability, security, and continuity.
    There is criticism of the status quo because some pundits believe those that have allegedly violated their trust “seem” to do it with impunity, and get away with it .So in some quarters there is grumbling . Something must be done about this condition.
    For the present Administration, they face a formidable task. They need to devise a strategy that will provide a better standard of living to a large segment of the population. For that matter they must attract the poor, the middle class, and those earning high incomes together in a coalition that will be in position to govern, inspire and improve the standard of living of all Liberians. What methodology should they employ to retain the advantage they will need going into the next election? The key is forming a team of some of the brightest and most knowledgeable professionals to devise a plan/strategy for victory in the next election. It’s never too soon to begin to discuss the issues and document their strategy. The Plan should stress the achievements of the current Administration; they must present a plan for economic growth, development and prosperity that will improve the wellbeing of the people. This new initiative must be clearly explained to all Liberians in English and all the dialects so they know what is going on and what’s in the package for them. Waiting for next year is not an option. If there are things in the pipeline, the Administration must not wait anymore “take the initiative” during the second half of 2010, gradually divulge to the people how their lives will be better off going forward by supporting this Administration. .
    For those on the other side of the road, they also see opportunity. I am certain that they are cognizant of the problems the Country is presently facing. Obviously there is room for improvement So many systems need to be addressed. The task is formidable. They will criticize and point fingers, but must come up with a constructive plan of their own. A plan clearly stating what kinds of initiatives they will be taking and clearly outlining exactly what they intend to do to improve the living standard of the Liberian people. This group will need to convince the international community and investors that they are capable of leading and moving the Country in the right direction if they have a Plan they too must communicate their plan to the People. .
    Look there is great potential in Liberia today. The nation in on the verge of its own “Great Leap Forward”, but there are many constraints and huddle that must be negotiated. A nation can not move ahead and become successful with a high illiteracy rate of 90%. For tactical and strategic reasons more money will have to be allocated in the budget for education. Right now investors are prospecting for Iron ore, Gold, and Diamond. Once those companies come on line, there will be a need to employ thousands of people which will put money in the economy. There is a sense of cautious optimism in Liberia, but the key to this transition is stability.


  • 2011-02-28
  • 工商時報
  • 【記者陳穎芃/綜合外電報導】
     聯準會主席柏南克本周赴國會報告,他可能再次強調,國內經濟必須加快成長腳步,且政府也將持續打擊失業問題。但賓州穆迪分析公司資深經濟師史威特(Ryan Sweet)表示:「近期就業人數受到天候影響,因此應將1、2月數據加以平均較為客觀。」
5bn USD =4000 jobs @Arizona  -->1.25mil/job <--100,000/yr  -->1/12.5 capital/headcount
10sbn USD = 30,000 jobs @Lyberia ==>jobs/capital=3.75   --> 1/61 capital/headcount
     全球最大半導體設備商應材執行長史普林特(Michael Splinter)日前也表示:「去年各大產業全面復甦,而今年半導體、太陽能及服務業前景更加樂觀。」

美國凍結格達費300億美元資產30bn,money money

 更新日期:2011/03/01 15:58 NewTalk 新頭殼
新頭殼newtalk 2011.03.01 高捷/綜合外電
據華爾街日報指出,這些資產包括屬於利比亞中央銀行和主權財富基金利比亞投資局(Libyan Investment Authority)等旗下資產,這2家機構直接受格達費控制,利比亞中央銀行在全球擁有超過1000億美元外匯儲備,利比亞投資局則持有超過700億美元資產,但目前尚未透露哪些美國金融機構或公司持有格達費的資產。
美國財政部官員也呼籲歐盟跟進進行對格達費在歐洲資產的凍結,利比亞在歐洲的投資包括持有培生公司(Pearson PLC,英國教材出版商)3%的股份、意大利聯合信貸銀行(UniCredit SpA)7.6%的股份(由利比亞投資局和利比亞中央銀行持有)、俄羅斯鋁業公司Rusal的少量股份等。
上週日英國則已經凍結格達費家族的資產,包括格達費之子賽夫(Saif al-Islam Gadhafi)在倫敦漢普斯特德(Hampstead)區一座價值1600萬美元的住宅,瑞士上週也宣佈了對利比亞的制裁。
美國除了凍結格達費和其家族在美國的資產外,法新社也提到,美國國務卿希拉蕊(Hillary Clinton)在聯合國人權理事會(U.N. Human Rights Council)中表示,格達費應立即下台,不應該有任何延遲,她也不排除任何可能繼續對利比亞的制裁或行動。


http://www.chinareviewnews.com   2011-03-05 10:53:54 

中評社北京3月5日訊/利比亞的起義軍隊正在逼近首都的黎波里,聯合國安理會15個成員國一致決定制裁利比亞,並把該國前任領導人穆阿邁爾.卡扎菲送上國際刑事法院。中國在這場危機中的表現有兩大亮點:一是迅速幫助在利比亞的中國人撤出,接著又派去軍艦和軍用運輸機;二是在聯合國安理會投票贊同把卡扎菲和他的黨徒送交給國際刑事法院。此間《經濟觀察報》登載丁力的文章“死於專制 生於人道”,詳論如下:    













利比亞駐聯合國的外交官們堅決要求制裁他們的國家——他們稱之為 “的黎波里的法西斯政權”,打消了一些國家對 “幹涉內政”的擔心。“內政”不是統治者為所欲為的權力。政治權力屬於全體公民,專制國家沒有合法的內政。在利比亞,卡扎菲已經徹底失去了統治合法性,內政屬於反卡扎菲的起義者。因此,本屆安理會的15個國家響應了利比亞內政,絕非幹涉。 




  人道主義是各國無法拒絕的價值,他們至少要表示口頭支持。一國站在道德制高點 (但絕不能是偽善的宣傳)上,在國際上將不再被喊打,使用武力也是有利的。孟子說:“仁者無敵”。 









(作者丁力系經濟觀察報觀察家部高級編輯 2011年03月04日22:11 )
