
Are Banks and Housing About to Get Crushed by Rising Rates? 彭淮南 表示美國債券利率破3%是必然的

Are Banks and Housing About to Get Crushed by Rising Rates?

The evidence is everywhere: mortgage rates are at a two-year high, applications have fallen for four straight weeks after climbing for more than a year, and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke says he would have to "push back" if the impact of rising interest rates were jeopardizing the recovery.
As my co-host Jeff Macke and I discusss in the attached video, the question is whether this short-term repulsion is the start of something bigger or simply an understandable reaction to a volatile market.
For those hoping for answers from the bank earnings out this morning, it appears that the jury is still out on that front too. Take JP Morgan's (JPM) second-quarter mortgage originations, for example, which fell 7% from the first quarter, yet were still up 12% from a year ago.
As Macke says, even the lenders themselves are at the mercy of the market and loathe to guess what the impact will be on housing demand and ultimately, the broader economy.
"In May, the banks had no idea where rates were going, and so they're going to tell us now where they think they're going to go in August," he says, before labeling the highly complex and qualified earnings reports from banks a ''best guess."
While no one doubts that higher rates kill demand and crimp activity, the argument is, at what precise level this hand-braking effect actually kicks in, before being offset by the benefits of stronger economic activity.
I am of the mind that the worst is over and most of the damage has already happened as far as the rise in interest rates is concerned, at least for the foreseeable future. In fact, JPMorgan's CEO has said the bank will not be hurt by rising rates.
Maybe so, but we are now at the point, as Macke says, where we will see if there is "organic demand for housing" and not just buying and borrowing by society's perfect credit set.
"So far the banks have been able to get away with giving loans only to the people who are really highly qualified to get those low numbers," Macke says. "Now we get to see if there is organic, real live homebuyers."

In spite of the recent mortgage data, it would be hard to argue that the bulls have been scared out of their positions in the bank index (^BKX), which has extended its gains by 13% over the past three months at a time when the 10-year Treasury yield (^TNX) rose 50%


鉅亨網編譯郭照青  2013-07-12  23:28
Veracruz TJM公司創辦人Cortes認為,銀行股何去何從,已更加明確,就是下跌。

美10年公債利率升 彭淮南:必破3%  債市反轉!壽險虧大 狂贖千億基金  央行金檢銀行異狀 2013/7/11 
(2013.06.27) S QE進場容易退場難&希望他們退場的時候&是個有秩序的退場&不要讓全世界金融市場動盪不安 美國QE退不退場 央行總裁 彭淮南 可是每天都在關注 CG【從上週五美國10年期利率 彈升到2.75% 創下兩年新高 彭總裁10號立刻表示 未來飆破3%是必然的】 目前 央行也在積極蒐集資料 緊盯市場變化 (楊家彥SB 資金可能會從債市退出 找尋其他標的) 從5月底QE傳出可能縮手之後 債市利率出現反彈 CG【壽險業者 開始大量贖回國內外基金 根據統計 光是6月已公告部分 壽險處分基金規模超過台幣930億 如果從5月累計至今 贖回規模至少超過1500億】 就怕虧損擴大 10號美國聯準會主席 貝南克 發表最新言論表示 就算失業率 降到6.5% QE縮手 也不急著升息 資金鬆了口氣 (壓條) 帶動11號亞洲部分金融市場 股匯雙升 (NS 數日圓鈔) CG【其中日圓盤中一度升破98元 而新台幣 同樣開盤 升回29元大關 午盤 勁揚2.16角 收在29.869兌一美元】 不過為了杜絕熱錢炒匯 央行本週連日對大型銀行 CG【展開大規模金檢 看有沒有交億元在收盤前數分鐘 掛美元賣單 影響交易市場 一發現有異 隨即請銀行主管 到央行與總裁 林咖逼(台語發音)】 (匯銀人士SB 125706 尾盤有超乎預期 影響緩貶盤勢 央行會特別關切) 彭總裁 緊盯國際情勢 也做好準備 因應市場變動 

彭淮南 論 美QE退場 10年期美債殖利率必達3%

【王立德╱台北報導】美國量化寬鬆(Quantitative Easing ,QE)退場時間表出爐,導致美國公債殖利率飆升,央行總裁彭淮南昨表示,美國10年期公債殖利率升破3%是「必然的現象」。由於我國外匯存底多拿去購買美國公債,外界猜測,央行將以此作為近期外匯存底操作的主要方向。



美國6月生產者物價指數(PPI)上升0.8% 核心PPI上升0.2%


不甩消費信心利空 美股早盤小漲

【賴宇萍╱綜合外電報導】儘管7月密西根大學消費者信心指數意外下滑至3個月新低83.9,但在摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase & Co.)財報優於預期的利多帶動下,美股早盤仍呈現小漲局面。


不過隨著財報季的到來,投資人目光顯然聚焦在最新公布的財報上。摩根大通上季獲利成長31%,全美最大房貸銀行富國銀行(Wells Fargo)上季獲利也成長19%,投資人對銀行業表現更加樂觀。
