
Six firms dominate 300-mm wafer fab capacity Peter Clarke 2/20/2013 01:36 PM EST 記憶體、晶圓代工廠囊括全球七成12吋晶圓產能 2013年02月22日

LONDON – Memory and foundry chip makers dominate the upper echelons of IC manufacturers ranked by 300-mm wafer production capacity, with the top six vendors holding 74.4 percent in 2012, according to market research firm IC Insights.

That level of dominance is expected to remain about the same in 2013 at 74.0 percent although over the longer term IC Insights said it expects manufacturing capacity to consolidate further (see table below).

Samsung was by far the leader in 2012 having about 61 percent more 300-mm capacity than second-place SK Hynix. Intel was the only other company that held a double-digit share of 300-mm capacity at the end of 2012. Assuming Micron is successful in acquiring Elpida some time in 1H13, the combined 300mm wafer capacity of the two companies will make the merged company the second-largest holder of 300-mm capacity in the world behind Samsung.

Of the top ten companies ranked by IC Insights, half are primarily memory suppliers and two are pure-play foundries and one company is focused on microprocessors.

Samsung is expected to maintain its lead in installed capacity through 2017, with aggressive capital spending plans seen over the past few years continuing over the next five years.  However, in terms of growth rate, IC Insights expects the largest increase in 300-mm capacity to come from the pure-play foundries—TSMC, GlobalFoundries, UMC, and SMIC.  In total, IC Insights expects these four companies to more than double their collective 300-mm wafer starts per month by 2017.

Click on image to enlarge.

Top IC manufacturers ranked by installed capacity to manufacture on 300-mm diameter wafers for 2012 and forecast for 2013. Source: IC Insights.

市場研究機構 IC Insights 最新報告指出,記憶體廠商與晶圓代工業者是目前12吋晶圓產能的最大貢獻者。根據統計,前六大 12吋晶圓產能供應商在 2012年囊括了整體產能的74.4%;而IC Insights預期,該比例將在 2013年繼續維持在74%左右,不過長期看來半導體製造產能將有進一步整併的趨勢。
三星(Samsung)在 2012年是全球最大12吋晶圓產能供應商,以61%的佔有率遙遙領先排名第二的海力士(SK Hynix);英特爾(Intel)則是另一家在 2012年貢獻整體12吋晶圓產能比例達到兩位數的半導體業者。IC Insights也假設美光(Micron)與爾必達(Elpida)的合併案將在2013上半年完成,而若合計兩家公司的12吋晶圓產能,該合併後的公司將會是僅次於三星、排名全球第二大的12吋晶圓產能供應商。
在IC Insights的前十大12吋晶圓產能供應商排行榜上,有一半的廠商是記憶體廠商,有兩家則是純晶圓代工業者,還有一家是微處理器大廠。
(來源:IC Insights)
IC Insights預期三星會在2017年以前穩居最大12吋晶圓產能供應商的地位,主因是該公司在過去幾年執行積極的資本支出計畫,未來五年也將維持不變。不過若以晶圓產能成長率來看,預期12吋晶圓產能成長最多的半導體業者,會是純晶圓代工廠如台積電(TSMC)、GlobalFoundries、聯電(UMC)與中芯(SMIC);IC Insights估計以上四家廠商的12吋初始晶圓月產能,將在2017年成長一倍以上。
編譯:Judith Cheng

(參考原文: Six firms dominate 300-mm wafer fab capacity,by Peter Clarke)
