
第一季全球智慧型手機出貨1.01億支 Andoird佔35% /Android wins 35% of Q1 smartphone market

一家總部位於英國的市場研究機構 Canalys 發表最新統計報告指出, Android平台智慧型手機出貨量 2011年第一季達到3,570萬支,在總計出貨達1.01億支的全球智慧型手機市場中佔據35%的比例;該機構預期,Android平台產品將在第二季的智慧型手機市場保持領先。
以區域市場來看, Canalys 指出亞太區已經成為全球最大的智慧型手機市場, 2011年第一季出貨量達到3,730萬支,年成長率為98%,領先歐洲、中東與非洲(EMEA)市場;在亞太區市場中,又以中國、南韓與印度的智慧型手機出貨表現最搶眼,都達到三位數字的成長率。
整體看來,2011年第一季全球智慧型手機出貨量較去年同期成長了83%,不過智慧型手機出貨量在整體手機市場中的佔有率,由一年前的39%略減為24%。以品牌來看, Nokia 以2,420萬支智慧型手機出貨量居第一季市場龍頭,出貨年成長率為13%;雖然Nokia的智慧型手機平台策略正在進行調整,該品牌在EMEA市場亞太區市場分別領先對手 RIM 與 Apple 。
亞太區已經成為 Nokia 最大的區域市場,佔該公司總出貨量的53%,比EMEA市場多出了300萬支;Canalys表示,根據區域統計數據顯示,Nokia目前仍在28個國家的智慧型手機市場占據龍頭地位,包括中國大陸;在農曆新年買氣加持下,Nokia中國市場智慧型手機第一季出貨量達到890萬支,年成長率79%。
HTC、Samsung、LG、Motorola與Sony Ericsson等品牌在第一季推動 Android智慧型手機市場成長,每家供應商當季出貨量都超過300萬支;」Canalys首席分析師Pete Cunningham表示:「Samsung在第一季也出貨了近350萬支的bada 作業系統智慧型手機,比整體Windows Phone平台產品多出了100萬支以上。」
美國仍是智慧型手機出貨量最大的國家,當地以Apple品牌獨占鰲頭,市佔率高達31%,第一季出貨量年成長率超過150%;Apple的出貨量大幅度成長,主要來自與電信業者Verizon Wireless搭配銷售的iPhone 4。
不過美國智慧型手機市場仍以Android平台產品最多,而且該平台已連續三季取得出貨量第一,市佔率達49%; HTC 則是美國市場Android智慧型手機龍頭,第一季出貨量年成長率超過200%,緊追Apple之後位居美國第二大智慧型手機品牌。
Canalys的報告也顯示,支援4G的智慧型手機產品在第一季於美國市場發揮重要影響力,這些產品包括Samsung Galaxy S 4G 、HTC EVO Shift 4G,以及T-Mobile myTouch 4G(HTC);而隨著美國電信業者Verizon的4G網路在2010年12月開始營運,這一季也是追蹤LTE智慧型手機出貨的完整一季,估計整體4G智慧型手機出貨量超過60萬支。
編譯:Judith Cheng
(參考原文: Android wins 35% of Q1 smartphone market,by Peter Clarke)

Android wins 35% of Q1 smartphone market

Peter Clarke

5/9/2011 6:41 AM EDT

LONDON – Android led the market smartphones in the first quarter of 2011 with 35 percent market share and 35.7 million units shipped out of a total of 101.0 million shipped in total, according to market research firm Canalys Ltd.

Canalys (Reading, England) puts Android in the lead in smartphones for the second quarter running. At the same time, Canalys stated that Asia Pacific (APAC) became the largest smart phone market region, with year-on-year growth of 98 percent to 37.3 million units, putting it ahead of Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA). On a country basis, mainland China, South Korea and India delivered strong volumes and registered triple-digit growth.

Overall, worldwide smart phone shipments grew 83 percent to 101.0 million units, compared with a 1Q10. Though its market share shrank from 39 percent a year ago to 24 percent in Q1 2011, Nokia held onto its worldwide leadership position with 24.2 million units shipped – a 13 percent year-on-year rise – despite the current realignment of its platform strategy, staying ahead of RIM in EMEA and Apple in APAC. APAC became the largest region for Nokia, accounting for 53 percent of its overall shipments, overtaking EMEA by more than 3 million units. Canalys said that is country-level data shows that Nokia remains number one in 28 countries, including mainland China, where it grew 79 percent to 8.9 million units, thanks in part to Chinese New Year shipments.

"HTC, Samsung, LG, Motorola and Sony Ericsson drove Android shipments in the first quarter, with each vendor shipping well over 3 million devices," said Canalys principal analyst Pete Cunningham. "Samsung also shipped nearly 3.5 million bada operating system-based smart phones, outperforming total shipments of Windows Phone devices by more than a million units."

Nokia, Apple, RIM, Samsung and HTC were the top five global smart phone vendors, as in Q4 2010. Apple continued to make market share gains, reaching 19 percent. RIM’s share, however, dropped in Q1, as its portfolio awaited a refresh and the vendor focused on the PlayBook launch. Overtaking Motorola, LG moved into sixth place, with its Optimus series of Android smart phones doing well in all regions. The US remained the largest country for smart phone shipments, with Apple substantially extending its lead, achieving a share of 31 percent and growth of over 150 percent year-on-year. Volumes were boosted significantly by shipments of the iPhone 4 with Verizon Wireless. Android remained the leading smart phone platform in the US for the third consecutive quarter, with a 49 percent share. Growing by well over 200 percent, HTC became the leading Android vendor in the US and the second-place smart phone vendor in the country overall.

The popularity of 4G-branded models, such as the Samsung Galaxy S 4G, HTC EVO Shift 4G and the T-Mobile myTouch 4G(HTC), heavily influenced US market shipments this past quarter. Q1 also marked the first full quarter of LTE smart phone shipments, following Verizon’s 4G network launch in
December 2010. Canalys estimates that shipments of these devices reached over 600,000 units.

Android gets more unity, USB support

Rick Merritt

5/10/2011 11:21 AM EDT

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – At its annual developers conference, Google outlined its plans to pull together separate versions of its Android environment and extend the software to support USB. Support for tablet, smartphone and television versions of Android will come together in a so-called Ice Cream Sandwich version of the software to be released as open source code in the fourth quarter.
The current Honeycomb version 3.0 for tablets and a 3.1 upgrade due within weeks will not be made available as open source. GoogleTV client software will continue to be a separate variant of Android, but starting this summer apps developed for it will become available in the public Android apps market online.
"We want one OS that runs everywhere, and we want to insulate developers from differences in devices," said Mike Cherod, a Google developer working on Ice Cream Sandwich, alluding to additional tools to be announced tomorrow at the Google I/O event here.
Google has released eight versions of Android in two and a half years. It is currently being used on 310 different devices and was activated on 100 million phones in 2011 with activations tracking at 400,000 a day, said Hugo Barra, director of Android product management in a Google I/O keynote.
Google angered OEMs by refusing to release as open source its Honeycomb software for tablets. In addition, earlier this year, it re-tooled plans for GoogleTVsoftware announced at this event a year ago.
Separately, Google announced an alliance of more than a dozen partners that will define a standard plan for upgrading devices in the field to bring greater unity to the Android market. The group includes AT&T, HTC, LG, Motorola, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Verizon and Vodaphone. They have initially pledged to make any Android upgrades available on devices in the field for the first 18 months after their purchase.
In addition, Google announced new streaming video and music services for Android devices, based on Google cloud services.
