
Sony上年度虧32億美元 SONY loss 3.2Bn USD 2010 ,by tax credit 所得稅資產提撥

意外!Sony上年度虧32億美元 3.2Bn USD

編譯于倩若綜合外電May 23, 2011

日本最大消費電子產品出口商Sony公司出乎意料宣布連續第三年出現虧損,主要受遞延所得稅資產(deferred tax assets)產生的費用拖累。上年度是該公司歷來第二大淨損。
Sony 23日說,在截至3月底的上個會計年度淨虧2,600億日圓(32億美元),當中包括對某些遞延所得稅資產提撥3,600億日圓的準備金。相較下,分析師原本預期Sony去年度可獲利760 億日圓,Sony先前也預測去年獲利可達700億日圓。
Sony預測今年度營收可望出現成長,且今年全年度預料會轉虧為盈。Sony並預估,日本311大地震對今年度營運的衝擊約為1,500億日圓。Sony 23日只公布初步財報,完整財報訂26日出爐。包括Panasonic在內的許多對手都還在評估日本地震的衝擊,至今尚未公布本年度財測。
這是Sony自1995年來的最大淨損,也是歷來第二大虧損,顯示即使已重啟遭311強震及隨之而來缺電干擾的廠房,Sony 仍在努力改善盈餘。此外,該公司也在設法完全修復遭駭客入侵的PlayStation網絡以及Qriocity線上服務。Sony表示,遭駭的「已知成本」約為140億日圓,計劃在本月底之前完全修復受影響的網絡。

Read more:世界新聞網-北美華文新聞、華商資訊 - 意外!Sony上年度虧32億美元

Sony to report $3.2 billion annual loss

TOKYO – Sony Corp. is expecting an annual loss of $3.2 billion, reversing its earlier projection of a return to profit, as the electronics giant struggles with production disruptions from Japan's tsunami and a hacker attack on its online gaming service.
The Japanese maker of PlayStation 3 video game machines and Bravia flat-panel TVs said Monday that the projection of a 260 billion yen ($3.2 billion) net loss for the fiscal year ended March 2011 was largely due to writing off 360 billion yen ($4.4 billion) related to a tax credit booked in a previous quarter.
Sony announced the loss ahead of its official earnings announcement Thursday under Tokyo Stock Exchange guidelines. The company had earlier projected a 70 billion yen ($860 million) profit.
Like many other Japanese manufacturers, Sony has been hampered by the production disruptions set off by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami that killed more than 25,000 people, destroyed many factories and sent the nation's economic recovery into reverse.
The company kept its operating profit forecast unchanged at 200 billion yen ($2.46 billion). It expects to report sales of 7.18 trillion yen ($88.2 billion), slightly down from an earlier projection of 7.2 trillion yen ($88.5 billion).
Masaru Kato, Sony's chief financial officer, said parts shortages in the aftermath of the disaster have eased but a full recovery hasn't yet been realized.
"In the first quarter, we saw quite a major impact on our manufacturing activities," he said. After the quake, "negative factors have grown bigger" and offset earlier improvement in the previously loss-making games division, dashing hopes for a profit.
Tokyo-based Sony also faced a new challenge to its reputation following a massive security breach affecting more than 100 million online accounts.
After temporarily closing down its online gaming services last month, Sony began restoring its PalyStation Network services in the U.S. and Europe on May 15 mainly for online gaming, chat and music streaming services.
Sony spent 14 billion yen ($170 million) to cover costs that included identity theft insurance for customers, improvements to network security, free access to content, customer support and an investigation into the hacking.
Sony has seen plunging sales of flat-panel TVs and other gadgets, and was likely to remain in the red in its TV business for the seventh year straight.
Sony has also taken a beating in music players and other portable devices to Apple's iPod, iPhone and iPad.
The company booked a 40.8 billion yen ($439 million) loss for the fiscal year ended March 2010 after a 98.9 billion yen loss the year before_ Sony's first annual red ink in 14 years.
