
英飛凌買下 奇夢達12吋廠 Infinion buys 12" fab from Qimonda for 100Million $Eur

英飛凌買下 奇夢達12吋廠

  • 2011-05-11
  • 工商時報
  • 【記者涂志豪/台北報導】

     英飛凌昨(10)日宣佈,將以1.006億歐元價格,從宣佈破產的德國DRAM廠奇夢達(Qimonda)的破產管理人Michael Jaffe手中,買下奇夢達原本位於德國德勒斯登(Dresden)的12吋廠部份設備及廠房。
     事實上,德儀去年第4季已經在美國12吋廠RFab投片量產類比IC,美信也委由力晶12吋廠代工生產電源管理晶片。英飛凌去年底在歐洲奧地利Villach的12吋廠展開類比IC的量產前研發工作,如今買下奇夢達廠房及部份12吋設備後,開始進行量產準備,第3季開始生產超接合技術(super junction)金氧半場效電晶體(MOSFET)及電源管理IC等晶片。

Infineon buys Qimonda Dresden assets

Colin Holland

5/10/2011 6:03 AM EDT

Real estate and manufacturing facilities owned by Qimonda Dresden GmbH & Co. have been sold to Infineon Technologies Dresden GmbH by the insolvency administrator managing Qimonda's assets.

The real estate borders directly on the Infineon premises in Dresden, Germany and the €100.6 million (about $144 million) purchase covers cleanroom and manufacturing facilities as well as 300mm manufacturing equipment. The insolvency administrator had kept the cleanroom facilities operational after the insolvency proceedings were opened.

The purchase is part of Infineon’s strategic capacity expansion and the company says it will form an important basis for potential volume production of 300mm power semiconductors. 

Infineon Technologies AG is currently working on a development project to assess the use of 300mm wafers for manufacturing power semiconductors on thin wafer technology. A pilot line has been set-up at the company’s site in Villach, Austria and some of the equipment from Qimonda will be used for completion of the pilot line in Villach. 

Infineon says it will decide about the start and the location of a 300mm volume production during the current fiscal year.

This purchase is part of the increase by Infineon of its capital expenditure budget for the 2011 fiscal year from approximately €700 million (about $1003 million) to €850 million (about $1218 million) . In the 2010 fiscal year, its capital expenditure was €325 million (about $466 million). The company defines capital expenditures as expenditures in property, plant and equipment, and intangible assets including capitalized research and development costs.
