
NVidia 丹佛計劃 Project Denver /ARM+GPU:X86


Project Denver現在又有一個驚爆的消息傳出!NVIDIA這顆基於ARM架構的CPU會通過〝硬體模擬〞的方式來相容x86架構跟運行x86平台的軟體,其運作的原理是在處理器中加入專門的硬體層(hardware layer)跟指令集。
我們之前介紹過NVIDIA的〝丹佛計劃(Project Denver)〞,這個計劃是NVIDIA要打造高效能ARM架構的CPU核心,並且與自家的GPU整合在一起,不僅希望能兩者相輔相乘達到一加一大於二的效果,也希望能夠搶入PC、伺服器、工作站,甚至超級電腦等等的高運算能力需求的領域,開拓另一個出路,因為現在CPU整合GPU的趨勢讓傳統的獨立顯卡廠商市場流失不少,因此NVIDIA開發這個丹佛計劃頗有不成功便成仁之感~~。

前言語畢,Project Denver現在又有一個驚爆的消息傳出!NVIDIA這顆基於ARM架構的CPU會通過〝硬體模擬〞的方式來相容x86架構跟運行x86平台的軟體,其運作的原理是在處理器中加入專門的硬體層(hardware layer)跟指令集,這個方式有點類似於中國開發的龍芯處理器,不過龍芯的轉換耗損高達30%以上。而NVIDIA的這個方法遽聞是來自於09年併購全美達Transmeta,這個公司當年即是以軟硬體兼具的方式來相容x86架構,不過轉換效率也是不理想。

不過根據在三月份的Project Denver消息,NVIDIA在這顆處理器上採用64-bit且會有相當大容量並比L2快取高上不少的L1快取,再加上整合的下一代NVIDIA GPU 〝Maxwell〞將會採用512-bit頻寬的GDDR5,其將會讓處理器獲得可直接與GPU溝通的2TB/s內部頻寬跟320GB/s的外部記憶體頻寬。因此Project Denver的轉換效率會落在15~20%左右,也就是說處理器的時脈仍可以維持在可以接受的範圍之內。另外在消息來源也指出NV會把兩個四核心ARM處理器塞進GPU裡面,看來這顆CPU在轉換相容x86架構之後的效能應該不會是〝笑能〞啦~。

NVIDIA預計在2013到2014推出Project Denver,而大致上的架構都已底定,所以遲至2~3年後才推出的原因經猜測是除了還要修改、優化相關設計等之外,另外還有個可能的原因是要等x86、MMX指令集的專利保護過期,而到時候就不會有觸及Intel專利而受制於對手的情況發生。

總結以上,NVIDIA這個計劃看似大有可為,ARM處理器可以相容x86架構就等於是破除了先天障礙,對於不管是商用客戶還是一般消費者來說,可以與現行x86平台的Windows相容是一個相當有吸引力的賣點,再對照先前Intel的說法〝x86平台的Windows軟體將不相容於ARM版本Windows 8〞,真是狠狠地打了Intel一巴掌!只是現在離預計推出Project Denver處理器的時間還有很久很久,不曉得競爭對手會如何應對NVIDIA這步棋了…

NVIDIA Announces "Project Denver" to Build Custom CPU Cores Based on ARM Architecture, Targeting Personal Computers to Supercomputers

NVIDIA Licenses ARM Architecture to Build Next-Generation Processors That Add a CPU to the GPU 

LAS VEGAS, NV -- (Marketwire) -- 01/05/2011 -- CES 2011 -- NVIDIA announced today that it plans to build high-performance ARM® based CPU cores, designed to support future products ranging from personal computers and servers to workstations and supercomputers.
Known under the internal codename "Project Denver," this initiative features an NVIDIA® CPU running the ARM instruction set, which will be fully integrated on the same chip as the NVIDIA GPU.
This new processor stems from a strategic partnership, also announced today, in which NVIDIA has obtained rights to develop its own high performance CPU cores based on ARM's future processor architecture. In addition, NVIDIA licensed ARM's current Cortex™-A15 processor for its future-generation Tegra® mobile processors.
"ARM is the fastest-growing CPU architecture in history," said Jen-Hsun Huang, president and chief executive officer of NVIDIA. "This marks the beginning of the Internet Everywhere era, where every device provides instant access to the Internet, using advanced CPU cores and rich operating systems. 
"ARM's pervasiveness and open business model make it the perfect architecture for this new era. With Project Denver, we are designing a high-performing ARM CPU core in combination with our massively parallel GPU cores to create a new class of processor," he said.
Warren East, ARM chief executive officer said, "NVIDIA is a key partner for ARM and this announcement shows the potential that partnership enables. With this architecture license, NVIDIA will be at the forefront of next generation SoC design, enabling the Internet Everywhere era to become a reality."
