微型基地台 Femtocell
當然新聞沒有很明確的指出微型基地台是屬於Pico Base Station,還是在台灣仍在測試階段的Femtocell,前者是用在補足都會需要密集基地台、將傳輸距離縮短的小型化基地台;後者則是電信業者想要用以補足室內電信網路收訊的新興法寶。
而這次想要聊的,就是Femtocell,Femtocell的體積與傳統電信基地台相差很多,外觀看起來不過就是個Wi-Fi AP的尺寸;而這也是它的目的,將功率極度的調低,並且把涵蓋範圍限制在相近Wi-Fi基地台的範圍,也就是200公尺左右,根據實測,其實這類的Femtocell功率與Wi-Fi AP差不多而已。也就表示,如果能長期暴露在Wi-Fi下不生病,那Femtocell也不會有問題才對。
只是多半的消費者對電信基地台還是帶有恐懼的心態,加上過去電信基地台引發居民身體不適以及容易生病的案例層出不窮,也不難想像多數人對於要在家中架設微型基地台有多抗拒。不過看到北美已經開始大量贈送Femtocell,理論上問題應該不大,只要心態上把Femtocell當成另一種Wi-Fi AP,應該就不會那麼害怕了。
Femtocell來了 無線上網免費飆到底
【聯合報╱記者陳俍任/台北報導】聯合新聞網 2010/12/12

1/27/2011 7:00 PM EST
Femtocell是個類似無線存取點(Access Point, AP)的設備,只要將機上盒連接上家裡的ADSL、Cable線或光纖,就可整合2G、3G、定點傳輸的WiFi、甚至未來的4G於一機,就能有效解決室內通訊不良問題。
正文femtocell將提供2H10、2011年營收、獲利成長動能 2010/09/23
正文為網通廠,產品應用領域包括AP/router、WiFi client、整合型產品(主要包括IP STB、IAD,2010年新增femtocell)、WiMax,2009年營收比重分別為26%、38%、24%、12%。
2Q10合併營收44.59億元,QoQ+8.85%,不過,受到零組件漲價(1Q10零組件廠缺工,所造成的缺料,以及後續的零組件漲價)影響,毛利率下跌至11.28%,稅後淨利1.24億元,QoQ-12.48%%,稅後EPS 0.44元。
在femtocell帶動下,預估2010年合併營收205.06億元,YoY+14.47%,稅後淨利6.64億元,YoY+1.69%,稅後EPS 2.37元。
展望2011年,預估合併營收224.57億元,YoY+9.51%,稅後淨利8.45億元,YoY+27.26%,稅後EPS 3.04元。
Ubiquisys at CES 2011 – New Directions for Consumer Femtocells
Femtocells are tiny devices that connect to home broadband to provide a premium mobile experience indoors. Millions have already been supplied by mobile operators to customers in the US, Asia and Europe, and deployment numbers are rapidly increasing.
Ubiquisys is showcasing several intelligent femtocells at CES 2011, which can all be seen at the Femto Forum’s FemtoZone – Booth No. 35676.
First there is the award-winning G3 residential femtocell. This intelligent femtocell can handle 8 simultaneous calls and up to 14.4Mbps data, yet it stands just 8cm tall and consumes only a few watts of power. Unlike other femtocells being supplied today, the G3 constantly monitors and adapts to its radio environment. This intelligent behaviour eliminates interference problems, which ensures a dependable customer experience. SoftBank in Japan currently provides the G3 free of charge to its customers.
Ubiquisys is also previewing a new device from SoftBank Mobile in Japan. This advanced femtocell, built by SerComm, includes integrated Wi-Fi, and features the first OSGi service platform in a femtocell. OSGi is widely used in consumer electronics to provide applications in areas such as automation, entertainment and retail.
Finally, Ubiquisys is showing a new femtocell from Tecom. This femtocell demonstrates just how quickly the top device manufacturers can design and build a ready-to-deploy femtocell using the Ubiquisys femto-engine system.
These developments illustrate a number of trends in residential femtocells:
- Femtocell technology and Wi-Fi are complementary technologies that happily co-exist in the same box
- Femtocells are increasingly an integrated capability in a multi-function device, such as a home gateway, or a snap-on accessory
- The number of femtocell manufacturers is increasing to meet market demand for designed-to-order devices
Are you attending CES 2011? What have been some of your highlights so far? Don’t forget to stop by our booth and say hello.
Qualcomm Now Sampling Industry’s Most Comprehensive Femtocell Chipsets
FSM9xxx-Series Chipsets Offer Unprecedented Performance, Interference Management and More
– June 22, 2010 – Qualcomm Incorporated (NASDAQ: QCOM) today announced that it is sampling its Femtocell Station Modem™ (FSM™) FSM9xxx-series chipsets, delivering unsurpassed performance and ease of deployment. The FSM family of products supports the latest 3GPP and 3GPP2 standards while providing an industry-leading level of integration with an enhanced 1GHz microprocessor core, as well as radio frequency and power management capabilities. The first commercial products based on the FSM9xxx -series chipsets are expected to become available by the end of 2010.
“The steady growth of mobile applications and smartphones are creating an ever increasing demand for more broadband,” said Cristiano Amon, senior vice president of the cellular product group for Qualcomm CDMA Technologies. “Products based on our FSM chipsets can help operators meet this demand using their current networks and improve overall customer satisfaction. We are excited about working with equipment manufacturers to bring the industry’s most compelling femtocell products to market.”
Qualcomm’s FSM platform includes configurable solutions that support the broadband peak data rates of 3GPP HSPA+, as well as CDMA2000® 1X, EV-DO Rev. A and EV-DO Rev. B. FSM9xxx-series chipsets feature Qualcomm’s enhanced 1GHz microprocessor core, also found in the Company’s Snapdragon™ solutions, in addition to encryption and security features. The high performance chipsets and accompanying reference designs provide innovative solutions for advanced network synchronization and location, interference management to preserve macro network integrity, and mobility management to preserve existing subscriber use models without any manual configurations. The chipsets will support both enterprise and residential applications.
Femtocells are cellular access points that use broadband IP-based backhaul (DSL, fiber, cable or wireless) connections to extend the reach of cellular service within a localized area, such as a home or office, which represents more than two-thirds of a typical subscriber’s data consumption.
TCXO helps tune femtocells and base stations
Janine Love1/27/2011 7:00 PM EST
Precision Devices has announced the TS05, a temperature compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) in a 5mm by 3.2mm by 1.5mm package. Covering the frequency range from 10MHz to 52MHz, the TS05 targets femtocell and base station applications.
Key Features:
At 26MHz, typical phase noise figures are -117dBc/Hz at an offset of 100Hz, -138dBc/Hz at an offset of 1kHz and -152dBc/Hz at an offset of 10kHz.
The oscillator operates from a 3V supply voltage, and draws 2mA current when generating a clipped sinewave output, and 4mA when generating a CMOS squarewave output.
Key Features:
- stability of ±0.2ppm over an operating temperature range of -40°C to +85°C
- stability is even lower at ±0.1ppm operating over a restricted temperature range of -10°C to 70°C
- stability is ±0.05ppm for supply voltage variations up to 5%, and for load variations up to 10%.
- With aging, the maximum change is only ±0.5ppm per year, to ensure reliable long-term performance
At 26MHz, typical phase noise figures are -117dBc/Hz at an offset of 100Hz, -138dBc/Hz at an offset of 1kHz and -152dBc/Hz at an offset of 10kHz.
The oscillator operates from a 3V supply voltage, and draws 2mA current when generating a clipped sinewave output, and 4mA when generating a CMOS squarewave output.
擴大有線電視應用 超小型Femtocell扮要角 | ||||
2011/3/10 莊惠雯 | ||||