Gartner:Q1全球手機銷售4.28億支, 智慧型手機2011年第1季占整體23.6%
Mobile sales hit 428 million in Q1 2011 as smartphone share rises
to 23.6% says Gartner
Samsung enjoys strongest quarter ever unit of mobile |
Nokia 176M
Samsung 68.7M
LG 24M
Apple 16.88M
ZTE 9.8M
HTC 9.3M
Gartner:Q1全球手機銷售4.28億支 蘋果、三星、HTC表現強
原文網址: Gartner:Q1全球手機銷售4.28億支蘋果、三星、HTC表現強 | 頭條新聞 | NOWnews 今日新聞網記者楊伶雯/台北報導
Gartner首席分析師Roberta Cozza表示,「智慧型手機於2011年第1季已占整體手機銷售量的23.6%,較上年同期激增85%。智慧型手機的市占率本可更高,但是製造商在本季宣布將在第2季前推出多款市場高度矚目的手機。我們認為,某些消費者為了等待這些新機上市而延遲他們的購買計畫。」
諾基亞(Nokia)2011年第1季售出1億760萬支手機,市占率較上年同期減少5.5個百分點,可說是已降至1997年以來的新低。諾基亞將更積極地調降由通訊服務供應商(CSPs)所掌控銷售通路的市場的平均銷售價格(ASPs),以在等待第一款Windows Phone 7平台手機上市之際,仍能維持Symbian手機出貨量。然而,諾基亞將面臨Android手機的競爭及日本引發的零組件供應短缺等挑戰。
三星(Samsung)在第1季呈現有史以來最強勁的表現。轉向Galaxy系列等更高階智慧型手機等的策略,帶動平均銷售價格的成長。這有助於抵銷原物料成本的上升。三星本季宣布將推出多款新產品,包Galaxy系列智慧型手機(如Galaxy S II)、bada系統新機(Wave 578),及新型Galaxy Tab平板(10.1和8.9)。新裝置推出,加上季節性因素,及觸控和雙SIM卡裝置拓展至新興市場,將有助於進一步提升三星在2011年第2季的表現。
蘋果第1季在全球售出1688萬支手機,較上年同期銷售增加1倍有餘。所有區域都出現這樣的市場跳躍式成長,iPhone目前已經在90個國家186家通訊服務供應商上架。Gartner公司研究副總裁Carolina Milanesi表示,「市場佳績使得蘋果穩居全球行動通訊市場第四大品牌。考量iPhone高於市場平均的價格,這是一個了不起的結果,亦突顯一個成功品牌對其產品銷售的影響。」
宏達電(HTC )在第1季也有亮眼表現,共銷出930萬支手機,並躍居為全球第七大手機製造商。優勢高階產品讓宏達電在美國主要銷售通路皆有好表現,本季已取代RIM成為美國市場第二大智慧型手機品牌。
Android和蘋果的iOS仍在智慧型手機作業系統市場激烈競爭中居於上風。然而,2011年第1季的大新聞就是諾基亞與微軟在Windows Phone 7上進行策略聯盟及Symbian系統退役。Cozza表示,「這將促使競爭對手競相在中階智慧型手機市場搶占Symbian的市占率。」
分析師表示,手機產業發展重心朝向生態系統、應用程式及服務的轉移趨勢是製造商成功的關鍵。Cozza表示,「每次使用者下載一個特有的應用程式到智慧型手機,或是將資料放置在雲端服務平台,皆代表他們對於某一特定生態系統的承諾,同時減少其轉換至另一個新平台的機會。這對蘋果與Google等目前擁有強勢生態系統的廠商來說,是顯著的優勢。」他進一步表示,「在將所生產的裝置放到廣大生態系統中的同時,製造商必須開始將他們的智慧型手機產品視為互聯運算(computing continuum)的一部分。」
Mobile sales hit 428 million in Q1 2011 as smartphone share rises to 23.6% says Gartner
Samsung enjoys strongest quarter ever |
Product: Gartner research Publisher: Gartner
by Keith Andrew
A summary of Gartner's latest sweep of the mobile industry would conclude that Q1 2011 saw Android – and its backers – go through the process of consolidating its market leading position.
What's more, the rise of Google's platform is accelerating the continued ascent of smartphone sales.
As a whole, 428 million mobile devices were sold across the quarter – up 19 percent year-on-year – of which smartphones made up 23.6 percent.
Super Samsung
"Smartphones accounted for 23.6 percent of overall sales in the first quarter of 2011, an increase of 85 percent year-on-year," said principal research analyst Roberta Cozza.
"This share could have been even higher, but manufacturers announced a number of high-profile devices during the first quarter of 2011 that would not ship until the second quarter of 2011. We believe some consumers delayed their purchases to wait for these models."
Nokia remains the largest mobile manufacturer, according to Gartner, though it was notable Android backer Samsung that has stolen the headlines, with the Korean firm enjoying its strongest quarter in history.

Samsung sales for the quarter came in just shy of 69 million – up around 4 million units year-on-year – though the increasing level of competition meant the firm's share actually fell from 18 percent in the same period in 2010 to 16.1 percent today.
Apple also enjoyed an especially strong quarter, with sales of 16.9 million units more than double the 8.3 million that leapt of the shelves in Q1 2010.
Rainbow coalition
However, it's the combined assault of Android's rainbow of OEMs that has resulted in the platform's share jumping from 9.6 percent a year ago to a market leading 36 percent in the last quarter.

Fellow multi-manufacturer OS Windows Phone enjoyed mixed fortunes in Q1 2011.
While sales are now roughly in line with the totals its predecessor Windows Mobile posted a year ago, Gartner – which has previously stated that Microsoft's platform will overtake iPhone over the course of the next five years – believes the 1.6 million units sold across the quarter is evidence that the OS hasn't yet caught consumers' attention.
"Windows Phone saw only modest sales that reached 1.6 million units in the first quarter of 2011, as devices launched at the end of 2010 failed to grow in consumer preference and CSPs continued to focus on Android," the firm said in its report.
"In the long term, Nokia's support will accelerate Windows Phone's momentum."
What's more, the rise of Google's platform is accelerating the continued ascent of smartphone sales.
As a whole, 428 million mobile devices were sold across the quarter – up 19 percent year-on-year – of which smartphones made up 23.6 percent.
Super Samsung
"Smartphones accounted for 23.6 percent of overall sales in the first quarter of 2011, an increase of 85 percent year-on-year," said principal research analyst Roberta Cozza.
"This share could have been even higher, but manufacturers announced a number of high-profile devices during the first quarter of 2011 that would not ship until the second quarter of 2011. We believe some consumers delayed their purchases to wait for these models."
Nokia remains the largest mobile manufacturer, according to Gartner, though it was notable Android backer Samsung that has stolen the headlines, with the Korean firm enjoying its strongest quarter in history.
Samsung sales for the quarter came in just shy of 69 million – up around 4 million units year-on-year – though the increasing level of competition meant the firm's share actually fell from 18 percent in the same period in 2010 to 16.1 percent today.
Apple also enjoyed an especially strong quarter, with sales of 16.9 million units more than double the 8.3 million that leapt of the shelves in Q1 2010.
Rainbow coalition
However, it's the combined assault of Android's rainbow of OEMs that has resulted in the platform's share jumping from 9.6 percent a year ago to a market leading 36 percent in the last quarter.
Fellow multi-manufacturer OS Windows Phone enjoyed mixed fortunes in Q1 2011.
While sales are now roughly in line with the totals its predecessor Windows Mobile posted a year ago, Gartner – which has previously stated that Microsoft's platform will overtake iPhone over the course of the next five years – believes the 1.6 million units sold across the quarter is evidence that the OS hasn't yet caught consumers' attention.
"Windows Phone saw only modest sales that reached 1.6 million units in the first quarter of 2011, as devices launched at the end of 2010 failed to grow in consumer preference and CSPs continued to focus on Android," the firm said in its report.
"In the long term, Nokia's support will accelerate Windows Phone's momentum."