
Saturn opposition 土星 衝 4/4/2011 最近地球

土星 衝 4/4/2011  最近地球

 更新日期:2011/04/04 21:27
台北市立天文教育館表示,今年土星衝時,土星亮度0.4等,視直徑約19.3角秒,加上土星環後達44角秒,距離約8.61AU,相當於12億8863萬公里。土星過中天前後仰角最高,受到地球大氣干擾最少,觀測條件比較好。而土星會在4月4 號達到衝的位置,所謂的「衝」,是指以地球為中心,土星與太陽分別位在地球兩側、相隔180度的相反位置,這是一年中土星最亮、最大、最接近地球、且整夜均可見之時,也是每年觀察土星細節的好時機。不過並非過了衝之後就無法觀察;一直到今年9月之前,均可在傍晚見到土星,只是每晚可見時間會愈來愈短,亮度愈來愈低,視直徑也愈來愈小。天文館表示,土星最明顯的特徵就是光環,民眾使用口徑3-5公分以上的望遠鏡即可見到,建議趁天氣晴朗穩定時,用口徑10公分以上的望遠鏡,甚至還可見土星環中間的縫隙。目前土星環傾角約9度左右,還會漸漸增加,今年底時可達18度左右。

Saturn to be closest to earth between April 4 and May 3
Staff Reporter
HYDERABAD: Amateur star gazers have a great opportunity to spot planet Saturn in the night sky, as it will be brightest, biggest and closest to earth between April 4 and May 13. The size of the planet will progressively decrease but will be visible in the night sky till September.
Known as Saturn opposition, Sun, earth and Saturn will be opposite each other because of which Saturn will be fully illuminated by the Sun and will appear disc-like, a press release from Planetary Society of India (PSI) said.
The planet can be spotted with naked eye. “As the Sun sets in west, one can see Saturn rise in the east and visible all through the night. Public can spot the planet in the evening skies after sunset till September 2011. One simply has to look opposite to the sunset to see Saturn,” said founder secretary, PSI, N. Sri Raghunanadan Kumar.
To create awareness among students and general public, PSI will take up Saturn Observation Campaign 2011. For details call: 93475/11132/92953-52988 or email to planetarysociety.
