
What could end the China Boom? water 羅傑斯:中國最大憂慮是水問題 比衰退還可怕

羅傑斯:中國最大憂慮是水問題 比衰退還可怕 

"environmental" "natural" resources issues the key 
鉅亨網編譯張正芊 綜合外電  2011-05-30 21:45:44 
知名投資人羅傑斯 (Jim Rogers) 日前接受英國《BBC》電視台節目 HardTalk 訪問時指出,中國經濟發展最大問題會是水資源,比經濟衰退還令人擔憂。
《Business Insider》周六 (28 日) 報導,羅傑斯在節目上表示,他不擔心中國爆發內戰、疫情、恐慌及經濟衰退等問題,因為這些都能復原;但若中國不解決水問題,就不會有成功故事。
他指出,中國北方缺水問題相當嚴重;當局正耗費數千億美元巨資,來試圖解決水資源議題。羅傑斯稱,根據他數次遊走全球經驗,見過整個社會、城市及國家因缺水而整個消失。他嚴詞警告,中國若未能解決水問題,20、30、40 年後整個經濟發展榮景將消失。

Jim Rogers on BBC: What could end the China Boom?

Jim Rogers tells BBC what he thinks could end the China Boom.
It ain’t wars, epidemics, panics, depressions and the likes. It’s a water crisis.
“I don’t mind if China has civil war, epidemics, panics, depressions, all of that. You can recover from that. The only thing you cannot recover from is water,” says Rogers. “If China doesn’t solve its water problems than there’s no China story.” He says they’re spending large amounts of money to solve this problem
